So I survived a fucking road crash yesterday night...


one-click buy
Sep 4, 2003
I don't want to talk about this shit too much so I might as well write it down here for conjuration purpose.

A couple French mates and I were driving back from the Blodsrit/Elite gig in Witten (150 km north from Cologne). It was the girl's car so she was driving and I was in the back seat. We were on the motorway when, at about 1.30 am, some white weasel crossed the road just in front of us. I wanted to tell the girl not to brake, but before I could speak she didn't only hit the pedal hard but also turned the wheel left frantically, sending the car spinning at 75 mph... I remember I only thought "ok that was it then..." in an adrenaline rush before it all went slow motion. As I sort of "woke up" a few seconds later, the car was stabilized in the middle lane and my first reflex was to look anxiously sideways to see if we were in peril of being ran into by other cars, which luckily wasn't the case, then I just thought "holy shit, it's over and you have nothing, how can that be?" and let out the biggest sigh of relief ever.

Both rear and front end had hit the rail and the car is utterly wasted. Both my mates are safe even if the girl suffered a leg injury, apparently nothing broken though. I myself have only a precious few hurting ribs and muscles, which I guess is the luckiest possible outcome given the violence of the crash. Safety belts rule, just sayin'...

Also kudos to the police. I was the only one who spoke German in the car and my two mates were basically just gaping and under shock so I had to get the paperwork and stuff settled and the guys proved very comprehensive and helpful.

Good to be on RC today. Shit I could hug Birkenau or even lick his ass for nothing!

No clue what happened to the weasel...
Some thoughts:

1) I'm glad you're ok, I've been in several accidents mostly worse than that and there's pretty much nothing scarier
2) women drivers suck, it's a fact
3) I can't believe you got to see Blodsrit [/jealous]
Kool to hear you and your friends are OK, dude.

As for this:

MadeInNewJersey said:
2) women drivers suck, it's a fact

They may be technically worse drivers than the average male driver, but most girl drivers I know are more cautious than my male friends - they seem to have more respect for cars and the damage they might cause if something goes wrong, which is a huge plus in my book.
damn dude, thank God you are ok ... good practice I guess to wear safety belts in the back seat.
Goddamn cars/planes/even bikes suck.

I think you're gonna enjoy the concert week to come even more now.. but please drive the bus by yourself !
MadeInNewJersey said:
2) women drivers suck, it's a fact

I'd love to agree with this if it wasn't for the fact that I've put significant dents in work vehicles over the last two summers, while the girls who were working didn't damage the vehicles at all. Then again... here we have a girl is totalling her car for the sake of a weasel. . .

anyway, good to hear that you're alright Ellestin.
MajestikMøøse said:
I'd love to agree with this if it wasn't for the fact that I've put significant dents in work vehicles over the last two summers, while the girls who were working didn't damage the vehicles at all. Then again... here we have a girl is totalling her car for the sake of a weasel. . .

anyway, good to hear that you're alright Ellestin.

perhaps you just suck at driving? ;)
MadeInNewJersey said:
perhaps you just suck at driving? ;)

also a strong possibility. Actually, I really do think it is that case.

Also I'm so left-eye dominant it's not funny, and both of the "mishaps" were on the right sides of things...
corrective lenses only correct clarity of what you see, it has no bearing eye imbalances. Even people with 20/20 vision can have such problems.