so i did some acid yesterday

No, one bad trip is not all it takes for the vast majority of people. Individuals who are already unstable are a different story.
AsModEe said:
kids kids kids..... if you knew what acid does to your brain (or any other drugs), you would stop doing it right now.
I'm willing to bet that you haven't got a damn clue how LSD works. The exact mechanism is uncertain, but it temporarily alters the brain's serotonin system to produce hallucinogenic effects. No, it doesn't make your brain bleed, or form crystals in your spinal cord, or any other bullshit urban legend. The theraputic index (ratio of active dose to estimated lethal dose) is so incredibly high that it's one of the least toxic drugs (of any kind, not just psychoactive) known to man. Educate yourself, dammit. :bah:
Yes, we've had so many drug bashing posts in this forum already, so I really wont address the ignorance anymore. As far as psychoactives go, nowdays I rarely partake in them for pleasure/recreationally. Most of the times that I have indulged lately have been experiences with certain goals or objectives in mind. I have had some experiences which I would consider quite "profound" in some sense when I have had a clear intent or focus with a trip. I dont really expect this to change the views of those condemning it, Im sure they will dismiss it as drug induced babble. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
Me and my bandmates are all going to get on Opium soon, then sit in a field, stare at stars, and write some songs.
Having said that, I have only even done weed, and not much, I have seen what drugs can do, the majority of my friends are all pretty wrecked by it, but to me it's a question of which side is in control, the user or the drug?
In my case I am taking it once, for creative purposesm with people I trust.
And party drugs like E and speed annoy the shit out of me,. I don't see the point in being really happy for a short amount of time, if there is nothing to be happy about, chemical inducesdhappiness is no match for being happy for a reason.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Yes, we've had so many drug bashing posts in this forum already, so I really wont address the ignorance anymore. As far as psychoactives go, nowdays I rarely partake in them for pleasure/recreationally. Most of the times that I have indulged lately have been experiences with certain goals or objectives in mind. I have had some experiences which I would consider quite "profound" in some sense when I have had a clear intent or focus with a trip. I dont really expect this to change the views of those condemning it, Im sure they will dismiss it as drug induced babble. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
yep, its like talking to a wall. they have no fuckin clue about what they comdemn.
Night Mare said:
party drugs like E annoy the shit out of me

E actually has extremely high potential for psychotherapy and would probably be administered for that purpose today had the DEA not put a stop to that in 1986 by designating it a Schedule I substance. But clinical trials using MDMA to treat post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans as well as anxiety in advanced-stage cancer patients are now in the works again, so hopefully it will find its place in medicine. The 'party drug' stigma attached to MDMA is incredibly unfortunate because its ability to induce empathy and introspection is enormous.
MFJ said:
Our children should be educated with instead of DARE.

I could have sworn D.A.R.E. was no longer around so I just looked it up. It's apparently still in 80% of U.S. schools. It was taken out of schools I'd been to for this same reason I saw on wikipedia:

Parents visiting classrooms when D.A.R.E. is in session have been alarmed when watching the role-playing exercises offered by the program. They complain that during these skits, all the students wanted to play the character who was high (that role being the most fun and providing the most chance to be creatively zany). This calls into question whether D.A.R.E. really convinces its participants that drugs are harmful and unpleasant.


cthulufhtagn said:
or, gee, i dunno, maybe for open-minded people willing to try new things to boost their creativity and give them perspective. it's not like i'm talking about doing crack here, there's a distinction to be made and you're evidently too ignorant or just plain stupid to tell the difference.

Crack is for my pals? I love how you so deftly implied that. :loco:
grazim said:
Anyone with a family history of mental illness should proceed extremely cautiously with psychedelic drugs or, better yet, not take them at all. Hallucinogens can cause manifestation of inactive disorders.

Actually, you don't have to have it in your family. Studies showed that anyone who have used marijuana 25 times or more are six times as likely to develop schizophrenia. There are no concrete studies on acid and shit like that yet, ut the number of people, here in Norway anyways, that have been checked into psychiatric wards really speak for themselves.

And I love how all you druggies on this board just blow off all anti-drugism as ignorance. :lol: Maybe some of us have seen how drugs can ruin the lives of otherwise healthy people a few times over the years...
Crimson Velvet said:
Actually, you don't have to have it in your family. Studies showed that anyone who have used marijuana 25 times or more are six times as likely to develop schizophrenia. There are no concrete studies on acid and shit like that yet, ut the number of people, here in Norway anyways, that have been checked into psychiatric wards really speak for themselves.

And I love how all you druggies on this board just blow off all anti-drugism as ignorance. :lol: Maybe some of us have seen how drugs can ruin the lives of otherwise healthy people a few times over the years...

Yes, I know we've been over this, and some of us have seen the horrors of drug abuse. Responsible drug use it the key here, know your body, know your mind, know your source.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Yes, I know we've been over this, and some of us have seen the horrors of drug abuse. Responsible drug use it the key here, know your body, know your mind, know your source.

God damn, I love you Ellis.

Grazim, too. It's great to see someone defending this with facts, not fighting it with personal stories and government propaganda.

Grazim said:
I'm willing to bet that you haven't got a damn clue how LSD works. The exact mechanism is uncertain, but it temporarily alters the brain's serotonin system to produce hallucinogenic effects. No, it doesn't make your brain bleed, or form crystals in your spinal cord, or any other bullshit urban legend. The theraputic index (ratio of active dose to estimated lethal dose) is so incredibly high that it's one of the least toxic drugs (of any kind, not just psychoactive) known to man. Educate yourself, dammit.

This is FACT.
Crimson Velvet said:
And I love how all you druggies on this board just blow off all anti-drugism as ignorance. Maybe some of us have seen how drugs can ruin the lives of otherwise healthy people a few times over the years...

I know three people that have died from drug-related problems. Doesn't stop me, because they made foolish mistakes and pushed their bodies to the absolute limit (or indulged in an adulterated drug that they didn't insepct). The whole fucking point here is that you can completely avoid hurting yourself if you know your body, know your substance, and know what you're doing. Moderation and responsible use are the absolute keys, but I don't even know why I bother typing this stuff up. No one will truly understand what we're trying to get at here.
My mainpoint is and has been before (when this topic has been discussed here), that people that supports NSBM and related topics, these so called neo-nazis, should not stand behind drugs and in my eyes, using that kind of substances makes them as weak as the people they despise. It's like they sacrifice the higher level for personal amusement and steps down to the lower culture-level.

I guess this is wrong forum for me with opinions like this.
Well I'm not exactly sure who you are referencing here (if anyone at all), but for the record I'm not exactly a neo-nazi. In fact, there is a 14 inch long black man* on my shirt right now.


*insert penis jokes
MFJ said:
Well I'm not exactly sure who you are referencing here (if anyone at all), but for the record I'm not exactly a neo-nazi. In fact, there is a 14 inch long black man* on my shirt right now.


*insert penis jokes

No, I was not refering to you, but the situation overall. This is not just a forum-thing, but also a real life-situation.
Well, in that case I definitely agree with you. Probably about 85% of drug users are INDEED filthy pieces of trash. Uninformed people just end up hurting themselves and other people which is something that needs to be stopped, even though that's probably an impossible goal. As for the NSBM/etc topic, I also agree... I can actually think of some kid who is all about white-power, but he also sells drugs to white people... what a fucking fool.
MFJ said:
I know three people that have died from drug-related problems. Doesn't stop me, because they made foolish mistakes and pushed their bodies to the absolute limit (or indulged in an adulterated drug that they didn't insepct). The whole fucking point here is that you can completely avoid hurting yourself if you know your body, know your substance, and know what you're doing. Moderation and responsible use are the absolute keys, but I don't even know why I bother typing this stuff up. No one will truly understand what we're trying to get at here.

Hey, I wouldn't mind it if all drugs became legal. Population control...