So I survived a fucking road crash yesterday night...

damn, i almost got into 2 different accidents a few weekends ago on the interstate but both of those were just close calls, no damage or anything...and that was scary enough, sheesh
Hey congrats on not dying and shit.

I've only had fender benders, nothing too scary. *knocks on wood*
I've been in 2 "car accidents" neither one of them was I in a car. Got nailed by a drunk driver pullinginto his driveway at high enough speeds to put me through his garage door. The second time I got hit by a guy speeding while I was in a crosswalk.
first time his truck hit my bike not me, so I got launched. Second time I was coming home from a race and the body armor I was wearing protected me from the worst of it. Plus it was some lowered ricer mobile so I ended up going overtop.

Yes. I'm a lucky fucker.
never said i don't, I just wont' cross without a walk signal and I look in every direction cars could come from constantly. Overly cautious. And if getting smoked by a car is "metal as fuck" i'd rather be a country star.
i drive with harnesses, a helmet, and a nomex fire suit. seriously. ill post pics soon.
oh yeah, glad youre not dead and stuff ellestin