JB you've made me Broke again


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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right here's what i went out and got today....and YAY!! when i got there i found out there was a sale one, wasn't i a happy chappy :D

Red Hot Chili Peppers:By the way-Bloody good album, opens well with the title track then well, it goes all Californication lucky for me i like that album fav tracks gotta be by the way and throw away your Television

Corporate Avenger:Freedom Is a state of mind-Cool name and only a a tenner so i thought bonza..hope it sounds good :D

Dream Theatre: 6 Degrees of...-got it because it was cheap and a few of you guys have been talking it up big time so it better be good or i'll chase ya down and make ya eat the fuckin thing :p

Dream Theatre:Falling into Infinity-Look Above ya mongrel :D

MushroomHead: XX-bloody ripper album go out and get the bloody thing OK

Drowning Pool:Sinner-as above

Dry Kill Logic:The Darker side of nonsense-Havent heard it but was reccommended to me by a mate i trust

Vision of Disorder:From Bliss to Devestation-what more can i say but this is VOD!!

Soulfly:3 -Well its better than Primitive but not as good as the 1st one but get it any way OK :p

yay im broke again..so much for my holiday pay huh :lol:
Don't worry Utopia did that to me this week....I bought:

Alice Cooper-Trash
Steelheart-self titled
Twisted Sister-Stay Hungry
Dangerous Toys-Helacious Acres
Dream Theatre-the Metropilous one
Vai-Sex &Religion

and this week I get from wrk

Motley Crue-Best Of
Vai-Passion and Warfare
let alone what I get from Utopia
Originally posted by Southy

Dream Theatre:Falling into Infinity-Look Above ya mongrel :D

I dont really like that album..it has a few good songs, but the rest of the album is just plain average and not the good dream theater of other albums. I was really dissapointed when I bought that album cause I read a review saying it was good :(
Originally posted by Southy

Vision of Disorder:From Bliss to Devestation-what more can i say but this is VOD!!

I'm a huge VoD fan but i thought For the Bleeders was absolutle crud, is this one sorta like that cos i'm humming and haaaaing over whether to buy it or not.

I want old VoD back, Imprint is one of my favorite albums ever.
Dream Theater has pretty much admitted that Falling Into Infinity was their attempt to sell out a little. I used to love it, but some tracks just get on my nerves now (specifically "Just Let Me Breathe" and the godawful "Take Away My Pain").

And it's Theater with an ER, not RE :)
I love Falling Into Infinity.
As Spiff said, it was their 'sell-out' album, but I don't care. For the first and last time, Dream Theater concentrated on writing individual songs, rather than constant musical masturbation and in my opinion, and I believe that's a good thing. :)
So do I :) That's probably why I'm not too keen on 6DOIT. Everything else they've done is cool in my book, but 6DOIT just went a bit too far. It's no surprise that my favourite tracks on it are the shorter ones, such as "Misunderstood".
Misunderstood and Blind Faith are my fav's. Although I do skip the boring 2 minute outro thing in Misunderstood.. it just seems pointless.
I rarely ever listen to the second disc.

Scenes From A Memory and Awake are my favourite DT albums. :)
I haven't listened to the second disc since just after I bought it!

I like Scenes, but Images & Words and Awake will always be my favourites. I&W is actually the only album where I like all of the tracks - I don't care much for "Caught in a Web" or "The Mirror" on Awake, and "Erotomania" gets on my nerves a bit too.
Originally posted by Spiff
I don't care much for "Caught in a Web" or "The Mirror" on Awake, and "Erotomania" gets on my nerves a bit too.

I feel the same way, but it's still my fav.. wierd. Erotomania rocks after the first minute or so. That opening riff is really grating.
Have you seen the "Live in Tokyo" video? That rocks. They use the intro of "The Mirror" with "Take the Time", great stuff. That was actually the second DT thing I bought after "ACOS" way back in 1996 :)
I havn't got any Dream Theater video's.. I've got the Live Scenes From New York DVD, but havn't got a player. (Plus it's in NSTC which makes things even harder)
Originally posted by Koichi

I'm a huge VoD fan but i thought For the Bleeders was absolutle crud, is this one sorta like that cos i'm humming and haaaaing over whether to buy it or not.

I want old VoD back, Imprint is one of my favorite albums ever.

Yeah i never got for the bleeders 'cause i didn't think much of it.

But From bliss.....like i said is VoD like they should be brutal and bloody good IMO. Like Imprint (one of my fa albums too actually :D) only with a few of the rough bits cleaned up :metal:
Originally posted by Koichi

Someone's about to become a devy fan :)

always have been ...I used to have this album when it 1st came out...this is the fourth time I have bought it...my collection has been stolen 3 times.So no s'prise about the album at all.I met Devy when Strapping Young Lad came here in 1998,when I was introduced to him it didn't click at 1st who he was...as my friend who dragged me along to the hotel just told me she had met this great bunch of people and wanted me to come along and party.I turned to Devy and said something about a Devon sandwich,then realised who exactly I was talking to and mentioned how much I had enjoyed Sex and religion and other stuff he had done since he appreciated that I had not come along as a cling on fan and was genuinly there to enjoy myself.Very cool guy.
Originally posted by JonBonJovi
I was talking to and mentioned how much I had enjoyed Sex...

As you always do when in the presence of rock stars.. :D