Megadeth broke up

whoops i got bored guess this quick reply can be a curse too :lol: anyhow if he did get back into it sad as it is some people have additive personalities spawny and sometimes after a while cant help but sink back into it sad as it is...i have personally seen this problem with freinds of mine i am luck enough not to have a so-called additive personality :grin:
This is seriously shit news. Their Melbourne gig was my favourite metal night.....pretty much ever. Fuck it.

New rumours out in the US now - this relapse thing is only part of the story. In the USA, when you go into rehab, it is VERY typical that they turn you to God to 'fill the void'. Apparently Dave Mustaine has been heard talking about his devotion to Christianity and his regret for some of the music and imagery he may have been a part of through Megadeth. I'm quoting here...

There is a rumor that Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine has found God and quit the band he formed nearly 20 years ago.
Apparently Dave has become a born again Christian and wants to record only Christian music in the future...
Fuelling rumors, the band's official site has just removed it's popular Message Board area.
Dare I say it? Good Lord!

Don't shoot the messenger, but this started of on And since then it has spread like wildfire. I don't think anyone from his camp has commented on the matter either way.

But what does this mean? That he'll start producing Stryper records?
This indeed is a sad, sda day for heavy metal.

Thanks for 18 great years dudes, the songs and memories will live on!

R.I.P. 1984-2002
Well, whatever the reason is, we have a lot of great music from the last 20 years, so ill concentrate on that lest I explode in anger :)
He became a Christian years ago......God has been thanked on every album since about Youthanasia, hasn't he/she/it?! Perhaps he's a reborn reborn Christian? ;)
Hmmm... actually, I dunno. I didn't see any when I was looking through the archives when I found this one.

Fuck, things were different back then on this forum, hey? So much Dungeon chat - kind of good we got our own board, I reckon. Quite a few names I haven't seen in aaaaggeeess either!
He was entertaining to have around. Arguments with people like Koich and Spiff (from memory) were good to read. :)
This Weekend on Maximum Threshold Radio Show: Dave Ellefson (Megadeth, F5)

Wow, this show on Saturday night (11/3) is starting to shape up and we will have current F5 bassist and former Megadeth bassist Dave Ellefson.

We ask that if you are a fan of Dave's work that you check out this live interview on the Maximum Threshold Radio Show this Saturday night. He should be on around 11pm EST Saturday night. To chat with him and ask him questions you need to be registered on the site ( and meet us in the MT chatroom. The show is completely uncensored and anything goes. We hope to see you there and bring your friends to the website to have the sign up.

Any questions just shoot me an email at
