Jean vest

i've got a grey one with a maiden patch that i wear around town. it is pretty great cause you walk around and people stop to talk to you and others salute you with metal horns.
I started putting together a black metal one a while back, it's unfinished but yeah...


They suit some people.
I prefer to put patches on my bag, but my old bag is falling apart so I need to transfer to a different one at some point.
On there will be Agent Steel, Forbidden, Nuclear Assault, Sodom and some others I've got waiting.
you can always cut the patches off. I've transfered a whole set of patches from one jacket to another before. that kutte died an ugly death.
Keenan, go with the Venom or Slayer backpatch. Trust me on that one.

Where does Keenan factor into this?

I was actually thinking along the same lines as you though

I love Metallica, but they're way too known, and I don't love Kreator as much as Venom or Slayer

So for me, it's a coin toss between the Slayer and Venom backpatch.
Where does Keenan factor into this?

I was actually thinking along the same lines as you though

I love Metallica, but they're way too known, and I don't love Kreator as much as Venom or Slayer

So for me, it's a coin toss between the Slayer and Venom backpatch.

Personally I think the slayer one. I think its a good one for a backpatch.