Jeff Loomis Guest solo on God forbid's "soul engraved"

God Forbid's music doesn't do anything for me. I seriously doubt if those guys were jealous or felt "like shit" because of Loomis' playing - that's why they had him do a guest spot.

How can you guys tolerate/ignore stupid ass racist comments? I mean, if you wanna be an ignorant fuck that's your business. I personally don't give a shit about what you think. 99 out of 100 times idiots like this are complete losers with no life (or talent, or money, or chicks, or penis). Nevermore's drummer is black - how can you even be on this forum saying that type of shit? I can guarantee one thing - you would never say that shit to any of the dudes in God Forbid face to face.


metalkingdom said:
God Forbid's music doesn't do anything for me. I seriously doubt if those guys were jealous or felt "like shit" because of Loomis' playing - that's why they had him do a guest spot.

How can you guys tolerate/ignore stupid ass racist comments? I mean, if you wanna be an ignorant fuck that's your business. I personally don't give a shit about what you think. 99 out of 100 times idiots like this are complete losers with no life (or talent, or money, or chicks, or penis). Nevermore's drummer is black - how can you even be on this forum saying that type of shit? I can guarantee one thing - you would never say that shit to any of the dudes in God Forbid face to face.


shut the fuck up, tough guy ^

god forbid arent nu metal, at all.

but they do suck.
God Forbid, hrmm they played a show with Cryptopsy and Despised Icon. Good thing I left before they got on.