Jeff Loomis Guest solo on God forbid's "soul engraved"

En Vind Av Sorg said:

Nevermind, the point of my post was lost. But as a matter of clarification, most Racists are not Nazi's, while most Nazi's are racist, No? [/mysterypost]

I don't think he smelled the sarcasm either, eh? :tickled:
:( Let's all get along. I also heard that song, solo was badass and all, but the song was a bit bad. I actually like God Forbid's new album, it's not bad. Just... they're not the best of bands. Solo was pretty fucking awesome, though. Racial jokes, even if joking, are quite silly. I might be funny to say, "Oh that guy's a my pals! Ha-ha!" to yourself, but for most people to hear you say it, it's not. I don't find it very funny. While I respect your freedom of speech, maybe you should respect people just enough to not try and stir up unwanted confrontations and whatnot. Most of you are smarter than that.
Seasons_Of_Destruction said:
:( Let's all get along. I also heard that song, solo was badass and all, but the song was a bit bad. I actually like God Forbid's new album, it's not bad. Just... they're not the best of bands. Solo was pretty fucking awesome, though. Racial jokes, even if joking, are quite silly. I might be funny to say, "Oh that guy's a my pals! Ha-ha!" to yourself, but for most people to hear you say it, it's not. I don't find it very funny. While I respect your freedom of speech, maybe you should respect people just enough to not try and stir up unwanted confrontations and whatnot. Most of you are smarter than that.

Easily the most intelligent post in the topic.

"Take my wife... please."
I don't expect anything to be "pc", or whatever. I am about the most non-pc, least uptight motherfucker that you'll ever meet. Trust that. Personally, I hate everbody. The entire human race...

Except for people that agree with me.

How's that for SARCASM, bitches!!!???!!!:D