Jeff Loomis Guest solo on God forbid's "soul engraved"

One time I was at work, and my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number that came up, and normally I don't answer those. For some reason though, I decided to answer this one. Turns out is was Doc from God Forbid. He'd called to thank me for playing their new album on the air (this was when the album before Constitution of Treason had just come out) and to shoot the shit for a bit. I'd never talked to this guy in my entire life, and he calls me up out of the blue to tell me thanks. When their tour came through Seattle, he came up to me at the show and thanked me again. He was very genuine.

To this day, he's the only person that's ever done that, and to me that speaks volumes about his character. I'm not a huge fan of their music at all, but it sucks to see people speak negatively about such cool dudes (they're ALL cool) even if they are being sarcastic.

I'd rather talk to Doc than any of you that are "sarcasticly" making fun of his band.
Shpongled said:
One time I was at work, and my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number that came up, and normally I don't answer those. For some reason though, I decided to answer this one. Turns out is was Doc from God Forbid. He'd called to thank me for playing their new album on the air (this was when the album before Constitution of Treason had just come out) and to shoot the shit for a bit. I'd never talked to this guy in my entire life, and he calls me up out of the blue to tell me thanks. When their tour came through Seattle, he came up to me at the show and thanked me again. He was very genuine.

To this day, he's the only person that's ever done that, and to me that speaks volumes about his character. I'm not a huge fan of their music at all, but it sucks to see people speak negatively about such cool dudes (they're ALL cool) even if they are being sarcastic.

I'd rather talk to Doc than any of you that are "sarcasticly" making fun of his band.

metalkingdom said:
Ditto here, too.

I'm still looking for the "sarcasm"...

....please tell me your joking.

Funny thing is, I also met Doc once after they played with Meshuggah, and he is a very nice guy in fact. They had alot of energy live, I'll give them that.
Shpongled said:
One time I was at work, and my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number that came up, and normally I don't answer those. For some reason though, I decided to answer this one. Turns out is was Doc from God Forbid. He'd called to thank me for playing their new album on the air (this was when the album before Constitution of Treason had just come out) and to shoot the shit for a bit. I'd never talked to this guy in my entire life, and he calls me up out of the blue to tell me thanks. When their tour came through Seattle, he came up to me at the show and thanked me again. He was very genuine.

To this day, he's the only person that's ever done that, and to me that speaks volumes about his character. I'm not a huge fan of their music at all, but it sucks to see people speak negatively about such cool dudes (they're ALL cool) even if they are being sarcastic.

I'd rather talk to Doc than any of you that are "sarcasticly" making fun of his band.
Doc's awesome.
at least these guys aren't nu-metal. Michael Pinnella (Symphony X) also made an appearance on one of their songs, but I'll admit, I'm not a fan of God least they can get these guys on their songs.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
....please tell me your joking.

Why would I be joking? I don't see any sarcasm anywhere on this thread - and I'm a pretty bright guy. Even if those idiotic statements were meant to be sarcastic, they are far from funny. Look up the definition of sarcasm. It has nothing to do with humor.
metalkingdom said:
Why would I be joking? I don't see any sarcasm anywhere on this thread - and I'm a pretty bright guy. Even if those idiotic statements were meant to be sarcastic, they are far from funny. Look up the definition of sarcasm. It has nothing to do with humor.

Oh really?

"Sarcasm is sneering, jesting, or mocking a person, a situation or thing. It is often used in a humorous manner and sometimes expressed through particular vocal intonations. Sarcasm is often expressed in ironical statements. It can sometimes be the sincerest form of discourse for the emotionally fragile. This is often done by simply over-emphasizing the actual statement, or particular words of it. "

Often used in a humorous manner.. So whats this about not having to do anything with humor? ;)
'Nife [Spirit Crusher] said:
Oh really?

"Sarcasm is sneering, jesting, or mocking a person, a situation or thing. It is often used in a humorous manner and sometimes expressed through particular vocal intonations. Sarcasm is often expressed in ironical statements. It can sometimes be the sincerest form of discourse for the emotionally fragile. This is often done by simply over-emphasizing the actual statement, or particular words of it. "

Often used in a humorous manner.. So whats this about not having to do anything with humor? ;)

Sneering, jesting, or mocking someone because they are different than you isn't funny or ironic. It's childish and immature. I think that the third sentence in your definition is the most accurate for this particular thread.
metalkingdom said:

Sneering, jesting, or mocking someone because they are different than you isn't funny or ironic. It's childish and immature. I think that the third sentence in your definition is the most accurate for this particular thread.
Therefore you agree that sarcasm is present. Please remove the broom handle from your ass, and rub one out while you're at it. Mabye you won't be so damn uptight.
You obviously have no idea what you've gotten yourself into if you expect everyone to be straightforward and "PC" on this board. And like he said, lighten up, moose is a nazi not a racist anyway.
Actually, I think he just needs to get laid. All that pent up anger has probably never been released upon a woman. :tickled: It's okay dude.. it'll happen sometime. ;) :loco:
En Vind Av Sorg said:
You obviously have no idea what you've gotten yourself into if you expect everyone to be straightforward and "PC" on this board. And like he said, lighten up, moose is a nazi not a racist anyway.

Enlighten us as to the differences between being a Nazi and being a racist.
flu boy said:
Enlighten us as to the differences between being a Nazi and being a racist.


Nevermind, the point of my post was lost. But as a matter of clarification, most Racists are not Nazi's, while most Nazi's are racist, No? [/mysterypost]