Jeff Loomis NAMM appearances

If anyone makes it to the Schecter Jeff Loomis Clinic at 12 or 3 PM, please post stories, pictures, video, or anything else from what probably was an amazing day with Jeff Loomis.

Much love!
He said he would be doing a clinic later at 1pm (It was about 11:55 am at that time), but he left before I found out where. Then I noticed the Loomis Clinic was starting in 5 MINUTES! OH SHIT. So I ran as fast as I could to the schecter booth and got there just in time.


He started by shredding through a few Nevermore tunes which were, if I can remember.
This Godless Endeavor
The River Dragon Has Come
Psalm Of Lydia
and a couple others




And btw, he used a PODxt with an Ibanez Tubescreamer I think TS08


He ended the clinic with a new extended version of the Untitled song on his website, supposedly for his upcoming solo album!!!


Taken from CoB guitarist thread.