Jeff's GW columns


not weedly weedly weedly?
you are scaring me...

and jeff!


Why? What is so scary about love? You have to open yer heart to love to accept it. It's the law of attraction. It's love. Celebrate my love. My love for Jeff Loomis, and Ms. A for delivering me a dose of Jeff Loomis.

I am all about love. I am a man of love. When you see me, I want you to think "LOVE". When you read a post from me, the first thing that needs to pop into yer head is "LOVE". Do you see this man? Do you see WickedSensation? This man is love! WickedSensation = LOVE!

L:)VE!!!!!! :heart:
Why? What is so scary about love? You have to open yer heart to love to accept it. It's the law of attraction. It's love. Celebrate my love. My love for Jeff Loomis, and Ms. A for delivering me a dose of Jeff Loomis.

I am all about love. I am a man of love. When you see me, I want you to think "LOVE". When you read a post from me, the first thing that needs to pop into yer head is "LOVE". Do you see this man? Do you see WickedSensation? This man is love! WickedSensation = LOVE!

L:)VE!!!!!! :heart:
oh please stop posting.
oh please stop posting.

ZOMG, you guize!

He is just, like, a modern day Voltaire. . . isn't he?

Every poster on Ultimate Metal should strive to bring the sheer WIT he brings to every post.

Get it............................?


Do you get his wit?

At first, I couldn't pick up on his wit, but this dude is a linguistic genius. His wit is hidden and intertwined within his rhetoric. It's like every post he crafts with the furry of one thousand dead Johnathan Swift's.

I mean, srsly. . . .

If you think he isn't witty, read his post again. Then re-read it. It's full of wit.

Look here:
oh please stop posting.

Normal people would just pass this right up, but he's using tools of rhetoric to employ an understatement, so that the average-poster-at-the-ultimate-metal-forum thinks that he's dead serious, but he's actually sitting at his keyboard, laughing, busting up in truly uproarious farce. This is his game. This is the wit he crafts and puts to work like a Mexican-Day-Laborer. :OMG:

Do you guys get that? I mean, really. . . get that?

It's OK if you don't get it.

He's really full of wit, that WhiteBeastOfWotan.
ON TRACK PEOPLE! It is remarkable how random and off-topic this board is. I'm surprised this hasn't turned into a food thread yet :lol: