Jeremy Lin


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
fucking dude lit a fire in the Knicks ass ... if there was a poster boy to bring some drama back to the NBA this kid is it.

Kobe pre game yesterday "I don't really know who Lin is"

Lin with 38 points in his FIRST TELEVISED NATIONAL GAME against the Lakers last night ... beating them 92-85

Read about this kid ... and watch some highlights

watch second video here:

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an asian guy tall enough to play basketball?!
hahaha that's awesome

why do people get SO UPSET about shit like that?
call the whhaaambulance!
I was watching sportscenter yesterday, they were showing NBA highlights.
What an awful game. dudes are out there beating the shit out of each other and calling it basketball.
taking 4 steps, no travel.
fuck the NBA. college is where it's at.
Are you guys fucking kidding me? Do you even understand basketball? The NBA is far superior to college basketball.

I probably shouldn't be surprised that a metal forum is this sports stupid.
Are you guys fucking kidding me? Do you even understand basketball? The NBA is far superior to college basketball.

I probably shouldn't be surprised that a metal forum is this sports stupid.

This cannot be serious...College Hoops is the epitome of underdog sports
Wow. Do you understand what defense is in basketball? For an example, if you watch the heat vs the bulls (the best two teams in the East), you can easily tell what how good these teams shut down the star players. For example, Lebron (a 2-3 guard) shuts down Drose (the best point guard in the game) by playing really tough defense and being long and hard to get around. If you seriously think pass-pass-pass-jumpshot is good offense, and players sitting in a zone is good defense you don't understand basketball.

This is obviously a down year for NBA because of the shortened season, injuries, and players not being in shape, though.
college ball is more exciting to watch, but I would agree that pro is more calculated, hence more boring to some degree.
The reason why people think it's more exciting is because it's bad. The games are close because the players are bad and make stupid mistakes, keeping the games closer. Why the hell would you want to watch people play badly even if the game is close?
Try to find an arena with the electricity of an NCAA game. Or a Duke (ugh) game. Or Kentucky. Or UNC. Etc. You won't find it.