Jeremy Lin

The lil asian ain't playing though, is he? THAT would make this series ASF. Then again, if he hadn't gotten hurt, this prob wouldn't be a first round matchup.

I'm pulling for Denver in the west (loooooove me some Ty Lawson, almost to the point of gayitude) and anyone-not-named-the-Heat in the east.

Top three RC threads right now are sports threads :lol:
In grade school I was heavily into basketball (the era of bird and magic, mind you) but now I couldn't tell you what half the teams in that bracket are

Nice story huh
lol High School Basketball.

A high school girls basketball coach in California has been suspended for a rare reason: Winning by too large a margin. Arroyo Valley's Michael Anderson kept his foot on the gas pedal even as his team went up by 60 early in the game against a winless opponent.

The end result was brutal: A 161-2 beatdown.

Decisive as it might be, it was far from impressive. The coach was called by the school's athletic director and later told The Riverside Press-Enterprise that he had been suspended two games for what had happened.

The coach also expressed regret for his actions while suggesting that he didn't expect the game to get so far out of hand -- when he put in his bench players in the second half, he was surprised by their output.

Arroyo Valley applied a high-pressure full-court trap throughout the first half, ostensibly under the pretense of tuning up for tougher competition down the road. By halftime, the score was 104-1.

Nevertheless, the opposing team's coach was not happy with the result, and he made sure his opinions were known. He called the ethics of Anderson into question.

"People shouldn’t feel sorry for my team," opposing coach Dale Chung of Bloomington High told The Sporting News. "They should feel sorry for his (Anderson’s) team, which isn’t learning the game the right way."

The Press-Enterprise reported that Arroyo Valley won its first game without Anderson. It was also a blowout -- 80-19 over San Bernardino Indian Springs -- but not the extent of the one against Bloomington that triggered the uproar.

It makes total sense that this story is originating from this liberal cess. If it were up to most people out here, games would have no victors. Nothing this coach could've done, aside from letting his second string take over at a certain point, which I'm sure he did.

Also, holy nuts @ Krig's avatar. :lol: