Jesper/Bjorn Songwriting


Feb 21, 2004
Columbus, OH
When it comes to songwriting, does anyone know who writes most of the songs? If you have examples of songs of what each one has written, I'll be even happier. Do they write the same amount of songs? Any info whatsoever would be appreciated. Just a thing I'd like to know.

And since I'm listening to Lunar Strain/Subterranean right now, does anyone else think that the instrumental at the end of "Everdying" is kickass? I forgot it existed... somehow... *slaps self*
Jesper has a hand in every song, in terms of writing. Older stuff though he usually had all the ideas or collaborated with Glenn Ljungstrom. Bjorn began helping with the writing of songs from whoracle forward.

For exact info check the books where the lyrics are written, it usually gives credits to the songwriters in brackets.
bjorn has been helping write songs ever since TJR. just look under the lyrics, if it says (stromblad, geoltte) then its a Jesper/Bjorn song. Colony/Clayman was all jesper/bjorn, RTR was jesper/bjorn/anders, and i dont know about STYE, i don't own it.