Jester Race 15th Anniv album art

Looks weird. I like their older logos, but it seems that new one fits last three albums perfectly.

Italic one looks good on Subterranean though,
Pretty interesting. I think the italic logo looks pretty good for the most part, but I don't think it fits the style of drawn artwork on the last two albums. My favorite logos are the italic and the slightly modified, thinner plain text from R2R-CC. I like those because they are simple and clean, and to my knowledge pretty unique.
Wow, ASOP really had terrible artwork...fits the music I guess. :D

For some reason I like CC and SOAPF covers the most.
I really like the ideas behind the artwork for SOAPF and the darks and grays, it all really fits the album. As for CC, all the artwork for that album is amazing. Derek Hess is great. He really shows a lot of emotion that fits CC so well.
I have to admit that I like the artwork from the Reroute and other newer albums much more than I do the old ones. Exceptions being ASOP (probably the worst cover art ever) and SOAPF. I dig the idea for SOAPF, but I dont like the way that its done. The drawing style seems somehow childish. Which sucks, because that kind of style can be done way way better. Just my opinion.
I actually like the style. Especially that birds wings. It looks like they're covered in decayed feathers, or old skin, or old paper, or dirty spider web, or fur even... Nice idea.
Interesting that you say that the drawing style seems childish. I don't see that. I think because of the (lack of) color palette, and things looking solid and pretty real, it looks pretty mature. Now, ASOP looks pretty childish due to the colors and the shapes of things.
Its not about the colors, its about the lines/structure of the drawing and the way that the picture is edited. Its kinda hard to explain :) But I'm glad that almost everyone likes it.