Jesus = Zombie

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
by Kevin Corrigan

Historically, there has only been one species that has ever been proven to rise from the dead. That species is homozombiuous sapien, more commonly referred to as "the zombie." Jesus, whom many believe to be our Lord and Messiah, also rose from the dead. Logically speaking, if zombies are the only documented species to rise from the dead, and Jesus did rise from the dead, then Jesus had to have been a zombie.

Jesus hung on that cross for a long time. It would be ridiculous to think that during that time a hungry zombie didn't wander by and stop for a bite. Why else would they lock Jesus in a cave after he was finally "dead?" Jesus died a criminal's death, and yet the Romans were still worried that he would escape afterwards. They knew. Unfortunately, like cockroaches, zombies can get into and out of everything. Jesus escaped his prison and went on to murder dozens of civilians and farm animals.

The New Testament won't tell you any of this. That's because the New Testyament we know of today is a lie. A rebel faction of early Catholics created our visiion of the New Testament because they refused to accept the truth. They sought out all versions of the real New Testament and destroyed them. Several generations came and went, and eventually the real truth waws lost. The real new Testament probably read something like "and Jesus bit into the head of his first victim and he said it was good."

The "Son of God" that Christians have been worshipping for ages is clearly not the messiah. It's posibly that the messiah has yet to come; it is also possible that the messiah did come, but one day when he was growing up he forgot to look both ways befroe crossing the street and he got hit by a truck. That doesn't matter. What does matter is that it was not Jesus. God would, by no means, allow his only son to be transformed into a zombie. Zombies are purely and unarguably the work of the Devil.

There are people who have been hinting at this for years. In the original Night of the Living Dead, if you freeze the movie exactly at 41 minutes and seven secons into it, yoiu can clearly see a zombie wearing a crown of thorns and a white robe with holes in his hands. This is a clear representation of Jesus in his true form.

Maybe, during his life, Jesus was a goo guy but that is not what's been argued here. There are lots of good people in this world. They don't have religions based around them. Don't let yourself be taken in by this age-old lie. Jesus was no one's savior, except for Jewish zombies, of course. He was a murderer, no diffferant than any zombie you've seen in the movies.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i read this in Rowan College's magazine
... I kinda like those stories... though I do not take them seriously, I kinda like when people come up with fucked up stories just to stirr some shit ...

This one was good!
some_dude said:
LOL fucking hilarious....I'm gonna have to put that to quote to good use

:lol: I thought it sounded a bit manowar....

"The gods created Heavy metal and they saw that it was good"
Larf03 said:
"The gods created Heavy metal and they saw that it was good"
no, thats spinal tap

"And i looked, and i saw that it was gooood

was a rock and roll, creatiooooooooon"

Wolftribe said:
no, thats spinal tap

"And i looked, and i saw that it was gooood

was a rock and roll, creatiooooooooon"


HAHHA!!! Even funnier!!!! Thanks!
Anselmo died and came back to life...does that make him zombie too? That explains so much about the albums he's put out lately...
Lord Foul said:
Anselmo died and came back to life...does that make him zombie too? That explains so much about the albums he's put out lately...

nope... it just helps further prove the fact that anselmo fucking sucks

*prints and puts on the desks of all the Baptists at work* I'm tired of them telling me to go to church....

Now YOU let Jesus letting him eat your brain!