FFFAN!! Look what i found dude


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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In the news at yahoo. I was reading about the big ass bird they spotted over Alaska, the one with 14 ft wingspan. Well, i found this Biblical discovery, or so called anyway


Scholar Touts Oldest Link to Jesus
Mon Oct 21, 5:11 PM ET
By RICHARD N. OSTLING, AP Religion Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - A burial box that was recently discovered in Israel and dates to the first century could be the oldest archaeological link to Jesus Christ, according to a French scholar whose findings were published Monday.

AP Photo

An inscription in the Aramaic language — "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" — appears on an empty ossuary, a limestone burial box for bones.

Andre Lemaire said it's "very probable" the writing refers to Jesus of Nazareth. He dates the ossuary to A.D. 63, just three decades after the crucifixion.

Lemaire, a specialist in ancient inscriptions at France's Practical School of Higher Studies, published his findings in the November/December issue of Biblical Archaeology Review.

The Rev. Joseph Fitzmyer, a Bible professor at Catholic University who studied photos of the box, agrees with Lemaire that the writing style "fits perfectly" with other first century examples. The joint appearance of these three famous names is "striking," he said.

"But the big problem is, you have to show me the Jesus in this text is Jesus of Nazareth, and nobody can show that," Fitzmyer said.

Lemaire writes that the distinct writing style, and the fact that Jews practiced ossuary burials only between 20 B.C. and A.D. 70, puts the inscription squarely in the time of Jesus and James, who led the early church in Jerusalem.

All three names were commonplace, but Lemaire estimates only 20 Jameses in Jerusalem during that era would have had a father named Joseph and a brother named Jesus.

Moreover, naming the brother as well as the father on an ossuary was "very unusual," Lemaire wrote. There's only one other known example in Aramaic. Thus, this particular Jesus must have had some unusual role or fame — and Jesus of Nazareth certainly qualified, Lemaire concluded.

However, Kyle McCarter, a Johns Hopkins University archaeologist, said it's possible the brother was named because he conducted the burial or owned the tomb.

The archaeology magazine said two Israeli government scientists conducted a detailed microscopic examination of the surface and the inscription, reporting last month that nothing undercuts first century authenticity.

Lemaire's claim was attacked by Robert Eisenman of California State University, Long Beach, who unlike most scholars thinks that "Jesus' existence is a very shaky thing." Since Eisenman is highly skeptical about New Testament history, he considers the new discovery "just too pat. It's just too perfect."

Virtually all that is known about Jesus comes from the New Testament. No physical artifact from the first century related to him has been discovered and verified.

James is depicted as Jesus' brother in the Gospels and head of the Jerusalem church in the Book of Acts and Paul's epistles.

The first century Jewish historian Josephus recorded that "the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ, James by name," was stoned to death as a Jewish heretic in A.D. 62. If his bones were placed in an ossuary the inscription would have occurred the following year, around A.D. 63.

Until now, the oldest surviving artifact that mentions Jesus is a fragment of chapter 18 in John's Gospel from a manuscript dated around A.D. 125. It was discovered in Egypt in 1920.

There are numerous surviving manuscripts of New Testament portions from later in that century. Jesus was mentioned by three pagan authors in Rome in the early second century and by Josephus in the late first century.

The ossuary's owner required Lemaire to shield his identity, so the box's location was not revealed. Nor is anything known about its history over the past 19 centuries, one reason for McCarter's caution.

Biblical Archaeology Review editor Hershel Shanks said skepticism is to be expected. "Something so startling, so earth-shattering, raises questions about its authenticity," he said.

Shanks said the owner bought the box about 15 years ago from an Arab antiquities dealer in Jerusalem who said it was unearthed south of the Mount of Olives. The owner never realized its potential importance until Lemaire examined it last spring.

Lemaire, who was raised Roman Catholic, said his faith did not affect his judgment, since he studies inscriptions only "as a historian — that is, comparing them critically with other sources."

The archaeology magazine is negotiating to display the box in Toronto during a major convention of religion scholars in late November, and possibly in the United States.
NEAL>>>They found a burial box with writing on it. It has jesus' name on it.

Since FFFAN and i (and others) haev been discusing this subject, i would post this article.

I dont think it has anything to do with the Jesus of the bible(i do believe he existed as a MAN).

Go to yahho, and check the news if you want to read more about it. Lots of articles.

If your talkin about the big ass bird that could pack off a man, then go to yahoo, and type in BIRD 14 FT WINGSPAN ALASKA into the news search box.
Yeah, I saw this on Nightline. Very interesting. I believe that yes, Jesus did exist and tried to spread the word of God. He got killed for it and that is why he is in the Bible. Appearently, he was the most well-known person trying to spread this idea, and that is why he is the son of god, because as we all know, god must have a son, a human son, since we are all his *sons*. Makes a lot of sense. The Bible is based on a lot of history and a lot of myth. Jesus and his life, history, Jesus being the son of god, imo myth.
i should say if you want to argue about christian beliefs then shut the fuck the bible was created to keep the people in line the history that is covered was used m,ake it seem real thats why they used actually events to ceate it they killed a man named jesus to make the point valid the local governments were all in on the religions to keep people in line
The bible is a bunch of bullshit anyways it was writtin buy man for man like anal cunt rules said to keep everybody in line, TO keep the cattle in line as they are being led off to slaughter i say fuck the bible and orgianzed religion show me some fucking proof of this dude named "GOD" and then maybe i'll believe.
Wow, that's really interesting. The Catholic in me is saying "Wow, that's more evidence that Jesus did indeed exist", but the scientist in me is saying "Don't jump to conclusions. Tests need to be done to prove it's authentic." Did it say it was indeed proven to have come from the first century? That guy from California State University...well poo on him. I mean yeah, I admit that this does seem a little too perfect, but I mean doesn't evidence that has the potential to prove something fit perfectly into the context? And I think that article made a mistake. It said that there has been no physical evidence linked to the true existence of Jesus. I could've sworn that they did indeed find bits and pieces of the cross that He was crucified on. I could be wrong.
There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus existed. I mean, I take the Bible as a historical document (as well as a document of teaching), so I've never really questioned the existence of Jesus. And Lord of Metal, let me try to clarify the statement you made. Yes, it would seem odd that if Jesus is the Son of God, or if God had a son, that He would be human. In effect, Jesus was/is the Son of God, but He is also God Himself. They are one in the same, as is the Holy Spirit. The best I can explain it is like this (because I did indeed ask a priest about this one time, of how God can be three different people): let's say that a man's parents are still alive, he is married, and has kids. The man is a father to his kids, a son to his parents, and a husband to his wife (which is analagous to the Holy Spirit). Now you would probably say "So does that mean there is someone higher than God?" I believe that God is the highest, but this is the best that I can explain the one-in-three persons theory of God.

And by the way ledmag, I also saw that bird story. The ironic thing is, I talked with a professor in our school's Bio dept. today about it, since he knows a lot about birds. :lol:
"So does that mean there is someone higher than God?"
I've always wondered that if god did exist, how did he get there? Was he always there or did someone create him? To me, it makes more sense that someone created him, but of course there is no information on how he came into existance so no one knows. I was just wondering what you think.
"i should say if you want to argue about christian beliefs then shut the fuck the bible was created to keep the people in line the history that is covered was used m,ake it seem real thats why they used actually events to ceate it they killed a man named jesus to make the point valid the local governments were all in on the religions to keep people in line"
Why do you have so much hatred toward it? It's just a belief. It isn't harming you. It is something that helps a lot of people through life. You are why religion causes war. It isn't because religion is evil, it is because people have so far of different beliefs they can't see any way but their own and then they start to hate the other religion and everyone who follows it. You don't know the truth, so why don't you shut the fuck up if you can't live and let live. Come back and argue when you aren't such a prick.
There is no proof of this "GOD" ever existing i think all "GOD" is something someone made up to make them self feel better and something to pray to. All it is something to keep us all from killing each other and total chaos.People need something to hope and believe in so they pick this guy named "god" to believe in.Sounds like bullshit to me.It's just like hitler believe in me and we all will be safe bullshit we all will die.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
"So does that mean there is someone higher than God?"
I've always wondered that if god did exist, how did he get there? Was he always there or did someone create him? To me, it makes more sense that someone created him, but of course there is no information on how he came into existance so no one knows. I was just wondering what you think.

Oh trust me, this concept makes my head spin too. :spin: Of course, it's easy to see how God has no end. That's kind of obvious. Something going on for infinity isn't that abstract. But as for God having no beginning, yes that doesn't seem possible. I mean, everything needs a beginning right? Not necessarily...think of God as a circle. A circle has no beginning and no end. It's one continuous line. Now granted, if you drew the circle, you could say "Yeah, I put the pencil right there first, so there's the beginning." But if someone brought you a circle made by a computer that is completely seamless, you can't see the beginning or the end. It's just there. It's the same way with God.
Wow...you guys just have me in awe. I was honestly expecting to get the shit flamed out of me for even mentioning that I'm Christian on these boards. But you all have really impressed me. And all of the questions that you guys are asking...I have asked the same exact questions. I have asked these questions to priests, religious teachers, etc., including this same exact one LOM. I asked this question to a teacher, and the answer I gave you is the one he gave me, and to me it made sense. Again, thank you all for keeping an open-mind and not judging me for simply believing a certain way. \m/
Yeah, no need to thank us though. Everyone in the world should be open minded, but they are stuck in their own little world and too blind to see their ignorance. Really, I thought there would be flames too. Surprises the hell out of me. Anyway, sure, a circle has no beginning or end, but it also has no life. I just can not perceive anything that has no beginning. I guess that is why I am agnostic.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
Yeah, no need to thank us though. Everyone in the world should be open minded, but they are stuck in their own little world and too blind to see their ignorance. Really, I thought there would be flames too. Surprises the hell out of me. Anyway, sure, a circle has no beginning or end, but it also has no life. I just can not perceive anything that has no beginning. I guess that is why I am agnostic.

Sure, a circle has no life, so it's not totally 100% accurate. But then again, I think this is one of those things that humans are not supposed to understand until they die and all will be revealed to them. So I guess that's why it doesn't really bother me.
Ah, reminds me about a project at a school, where little kids were asked to think about God and write down one question they wanted to ask him. All those questions are in a book right now, i think it was a cool project anyway..
Questions like: "if life after dead really exists, then why do you make them die?" ( i think it's a cool one)
" God, was the giraffe made like that on purpose or was his long neck a mistake"? ;)
But the best one i've read was made by a guy named Mark and he was 8 years old:
"God, how do you know you are God"?

DAMN! i wish that was my kid (if i had kids)...i love it when kids show they can think! (Btw, he asked god that because he wanted to become God too, if it wasn't that difficult to become a God..SPLENDID!) :lol:
Originally posted by FFfan1
Wow, that's really interesting. The Catholic in me is saying "Wow, that's more evidence that Jesus did indeed exist", but the scientist in me is saying "Don't jump to conclusions. Tests need to be done to prove it's authentic." Did it say it was indeed proven to have come from the first century? That guy from California State University...well poo on him. I mean yeah, I admit that this does seem a little too perfect, but I mean doesn't evidence that has the potential to prove something fit perfectly into the context? And I think that article made a mistake. It said that there has been no physical evidence linked to the true existence of Jesus. I could've sworn that they did indeed find bits and pieces of the cross that He was crucified on. I could be wrong.

****LED***Im gonna look for more facts as time goes on this box. It is very interesting. And i as well thought they had found other items related to Jesus.***

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus existed. I mean, I take the Bible as a historical document (as well as a document of teaching), so I've never really questioned the existence of Jesus. And Lord of Metal, let me try to clarify the statement you made. Yes, it would seem odd that if Jesus is the Son of God, or if God had a son, that He would be human. In effect, Jesus was/is the Son of God, but He is also God Himself. They are one in the same, as is the Holy Spirit. The best I can explain it is like this (because I did indeed ask a priest about this one time, of how God can be three different people): let's say that a man's parents are still alive, he is married, and has kids. The man is a father to his kids, a son to his parents, and a husband to his wife (which is analagous to the Holy Spirit). Now you would probably say "So does that mean there is someone higher than God?" I believe that God is the highest, but this is the best that I can explain the one-in-three persons theory of God.

*****LED****Well, if i were to go the road of religion (christain that is) I would have to go for the churches that believe in 3. ITs been explained to me both ways, many times. And i have read many times myself. BUt yeah, I would go for 3. God being the boss, the spirit being the one who carried the seed to marry, and Jesus being his sposkman. DOnt take the spokesman to heart, just lack of a better word on my part.***

And by the way ledmag, I also saw that bird story. The ironic thing is, I talked with a professor in our school's Bio dept. today about it, since he knows a lot about birds. :lol:

***LED***Im gonna do more looking on the bird story as well. ITs very interesting IMO.****

Its almost time for me to go to band practice, thats why my reply is so short. I am willing to talk further iof you like. ANd im gonna ignore the neanders up above.

BWD>>>>>I agree, at times in the bible, he is described as being arragant. Among other things.