Church tomorrow night...

BlackwaterNymph said:
I guess a whole lot of it has to do with how old you are and your parents/family thinking you're trying to rebel against whatever it is they think you should be doing. I'm twenty fucking one and I get bullshit every day from my mother about my religious/spiritual choices. Sorry I found something that makes me happy, mom. We got into a fight last night because we're having a family thing tonight and I don't think I have to go. She started yelling at me about my "obligations" and "sometimes in life I have to do things I don't want to do but you have to do them" oh and "its just the right thing to do". My family consists of a shitload of people that are emotionally abusive (to me and my mother especially), a child molester, and various other assholes. I'm sorry I don't think I have an OBLIGATION to these people. They are my family yes but that does not hold them to me for life, if they treat me like shit - fuck them. I am ONLY going to see my cousins two little kids (the younger one who's two I raised from 3 days old til he was 9 months). I'll be cordial to the assholes for the kids sake but other than that, I could care less about all of them. This is the first Christmas in 4 years I'll be attending family shit, I was in Australia alone in 2000 and the other years I've been at work. So go me! EGGNOGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!

Leave them.

Come to Butthead :loco:
I called my aunt and said "I work at 3 AM tomorrow, and I have to sleep. No way in Hell I can show up." She said "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to, that's a hard shift, but thank you for calling." At least they understand around here.