JOEY BELLADONNA ''i am the law"


New Metal Member
Mar 23, 2004
want some opinions on the live version of i am the law on the i am the man single.this is a killer version of the song listen to it through your headphones and i was blown away :hotjump: great tune but live on this cd it rocks hard as shit :hotjump: :rock: thanks joey you rule
CLVBURR71 said:
want some opinions on the live version of i am the law on the i am the man single.this is a killer version of the song listen to it through your headphones and i was blown away :hotjump: great tune but live on this cd it rocks hard as shit :hotjump: :rock: thanks joey you rule

The Bush version is so much better. John Bush owns every Anthrax song. M.M.A will just prove it.
killing_box said:
I wish that guy would just shut the fuck up.......Joey was good in his day but Bush owns live and puts way more aggression in the old tunes than Joey ever will, closed

hear hear, couldnt have said it better :rock:
CLVBURR71 said:
want some opinions on the live version of i am the law on the i am the man single.this is a killer version of the song listen to it through your headphones and i was blown away :hotjump: great tune but live on this cd it rocks hard as shit :hotjump: :rock: thanks joey you rule

Geez CLV, next you'll be telling us how you think "Live: The Island Years" blows "MMOMD" away :p
joey was a gay singer and has nothing on bush, case closed.

danny please go and fix some watches or finish your 7x70 CD...

the line is "you won't fuck around no more"
CLVBURR71 said:
want some opinions on the live version of i am the law on the i am the man single.this is a killer version of the song listen to it through your headphones and i was blown away :hotjump: great tune but live on this cd it rocks hard as shit :hotjump: :rock: thanks joey you rule
This is the song that got me into Anthrax and to this day is still one of my all time favorites. Also the reason I have "THE LAW" on my pickup's license plates.
This particular live version does kick a$$. I am not convinced that Joey Belladonna is the reason WHY it kicks a$$. The man sounds winded to me. Joey in the studio = not bad. Joey live = out of breath.

John Bush is The Man!!
max said:
joey was a gay singer and has nothing on bush, case closed.

danny please go and fix some watches or finish your 7x70 CD...

the line is "you won't fuck around no more"

fucks sake man. just cos u dont like the way joey sings doesnt mean he is shit. at least u could give him a bit of respect since he was in the band for a number of years and sang on some great albums. And why have a go at Dan?? who gives a shit if he fixes watches or whatever. jeez
Boys get off Joe's back. Stop giving him shit he is a part of the history of a band we all love for better or for worse. John is great as is joey as is Neil.
Is it just me or is Anthrax the band kind of like a saga. IE lord of the rings or the chronicles of narnia?
prime666 said:
Boys get off Joe's back. Stop giving him shit he is a part of the history of a band we all love for better or for worse. John is great as is joey as is Neil.
Is it just me or is Anthrax the band kind of like a saga. IE lord of the rings or the chronicles of narnia?

well said
When i first heard Neil i was blown away, just crazy high note, then Joey who i heard before Neil, Joey was a good singer and was a great part of the band.

Dan was an awesome guitarrist, he will always be on my list of guys i'd want to play lead in a band i was in.

John and Rob are both very good respectable artists in the band. only problems i have with them are john cant hit some of the older high notes quite the same and rob dont do the old solo's