Joey Jordison Snare samps

Ths thread is quite askew...

with nearly 1.500 page views.

The original poster, Rick Powell has 3 posts all inclusive...

Nearly this entire board has put up they emails for the spam bots to be abusive.

And ultimately, nary a bit nor a byte...

of a Joey from Slipnuts sample in sight.
dude, use or something!

( just to be sure )
I have a feeling this guy is for real. I don't get any more spam than normal, of course I was pretty careful and posted a verbal version of my email address. There's much better, faster ways to harvest email addresses (memberlists on phpBB forums that don't hide them - which is a default - for example.)
Bah, if he wanted to share he could have wait until he had the samples up for downloading.

He may be just have bad manners.

Maybe not.

Who cares?