Joey Sturgis' Rack

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Mar 26, 2009
Puyallup, Washington
Just curious does anyone know what the rack of effects are that are in Joey Sturgis' studio in Indiana? You should see them at the right of the screen during the majority of the video.

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Hahahahhahahahaha, that cracked me up when he just popped in with his lanky air-guitaring self :lol: Can't really tell what's in the rack besides a patchbay and some Presonus unit, but know him I doubt it's anything special!
i don't know when that vid's from, but i'd guess it's pretty old, cause he was rocking the cookie monster shirt in it of about a year ago, i can tell you that he didn't have a lot of outboard stuff going on. most of it was all preamps/conversion, aside from the POD and maybe a patchbay and headphone amp. he might've added more shit since the last time i was there...who knows
Haha so many people are curious of what joey does.
I can assure you most of that stuff isnt used.
He had a few old behringer compressor/exciter units before his studio was moved into his house.
Basically, Rme 800, Pod XT pro, mackie onyx 800, a great river pre which he dosent use much. Mostly everything he does is vst. As far as i know he dosent use and outboard gear at all.
I really wouldn't expect it to make all that much of a difference dude, it's the Podfarm settings you should worry about! (and possibly your guitar/pickups, though I find Line 6 stuff is the grand equalizer in terms of what's put into it)
WHo is this guy? any havent i heard of him before? lol whats he done to deserve his own thread on here?



he's only the guy who's produced The Devil Wears Prada, Attack Attack, Oceano and a bunch of other stuff....
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