Nov 4, 2012
Crits would be awesome :D

I know it'll probably be asked so here's what I can remember...

Guitars: Guitars were Dual tracked and both ran through the same. I believe it was actually Revalver but just with some incredibly heavy EQ going on afterwards to match it somewhat to the new BOO guitar stems. This was all done by ear btw, not Ozone Match EQ or whatever.

I think I also did the Haas trick to make them sound bigger.

Drums: All midi.

Kick: The Panzer Kick by Charles J Wall on the Sneap forum put through a fair bit of Maxxbass and clipped just a tad with Gclip.

Snare: I shamelessly stole a one shot from the BOO stems and blended it a fair bit with the natural snare put through some SSL.

Everything else Drums was natural and probably put through the SSL at some point.


Bass was all midi to start off with, and so I put it through 4FrontBass to make it sound like an actual bass, albeit a rather shoddy one.

Then, split into two tracks. 1: The first was the usual, 3rd Bass VST amp with Sub bass turned on and mids cut a fair bit.

Now the second I got a bit creative. Pitch shifted it +12 semitones (octave) to be same as the guitars, then put through a similar (not identical though) guitar chain. Then a bit of EQ (ie. boost at 1-2K etc.)

Vocals were pretty generally processed. Screams were all through the Haas trick a million and one times Left and Right while still being central to make them all beefed up and more powerful

Cleans were nothing new either. Just, normal processing through a few Waves plugs.

Again, any questions and crits will be greatly welcomed!
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