I will say that short women seem to have better curves.
What's up?! I'm bored as fuck and I saw you're on here so I'd just figure I should give a "HELL MOTHER FUCKING YEAH" to you my friend!
And if you want to add me on MSN if you have it do so...
I am NOT a stalker!
yeah I'm this bored dude.
Sorry buddy, don't have MSN anymore. Oh yeah, and I'm 1,92 meters, that's about 6,4-6,5 or something I think... Got my height from my grandmother, she was 1,48 meters which is about 4,8-4,9 I think...
Aurvandils tá;6521563 said:@Noiremorte: Americas Inches and yards suckAmerican beer also sucks
The best beer I think you find in Germany, Flanders and of quality close to that in Bohemia
Yea they do, especially since most of the people I associate with aren't American and don't use that system.
Aurvandils tá;6521563 said:@Noiremorte: Americas Inches and yards suckAmerican beer also sucks
The best beer I think you find in Germany, Flanders and of quality close to that in Bohemia
When you are in Leipzig in October you have to try Ur-Krostitzer - one of the most perfect beers of the nine worldsGustav II Adolf gave his royal ring to the brewmaster as a sighn of deepest respect.
I just became 16 in the end of JuneYou also should try Ur-Krostitzer and you'll grow higher.
That should be enough advertising for now...
Hail the beer