John Arch - A Twist of Fate


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
I picked up this disc a week ago,I wasnt sure what to expect from it I mean Arch sounded great while he was in Fates Warning a million years ago But it was interesting to see if he could still do it ..... Well he can! this cd is amazing I cant stop listening to it when I'm not in the Crush kill mood :p I think Bryant would like this the most out of everybody, it is very well constructed Prog Metal. there is only 2 songs on it but between the 2 they are about 30 mins long so you get a good chunk of music anyways I recomend this album to Any prog metal fan, Fates warning and Dream Theater Fans should love this one
John Arch is a vocal GOD!! :worship:
Not just because of his unique voice but his vocal melodies are the best I ever heard.

I don't know if he will be touring next year, but if he does, I would be willing to travel to the US to see him live.
Hawk said:
John Arch is a vocal GOD!! :worship:
Not just because of his unique voice but his vocal melodies are the best I ever heard.

I don't know if he will be touring next year, but if he does, I would be willing to travel to the US to see him live.

you have awsome tastes in music my friend =) I would love to see him live also that would kick so much ass