Yeah but that's also a nice way of publicly saying "I told 'em to fuck off"...

I don't really blame him. I am going to miss him in this band so much - but the band is over in my eyes anyway. After 13 years of friendship, they stabbed him in the back for some out of touch with reality, delusional cheeseball that they knew for only 8 years, what seemed like forever ago.

I am glad John said no, in a way - but I really wanted him back in the band too - but I suppose at some point there's just no going back (which is something Anthrax should have realized the first time they tried to do the 2 singer tour in 1998).
John Bush is (was) the voice of Anthrax. This new project should be called something else. When RATM found a new singer they changed the the name to Audioslave. Same should be done here! "NewThrax", "SlipThrax", "Anthnot". You get the idea.
I'm glad to see John taking the high road as usual. I wish more band members were like this. Seems like everytime someone leaves a band, the shit-talking starts.
Good for him. Nice to see somebody with some principles. It sounds like he's got a solid business going with his old lady and he's paid his dues. Good luck John, you were the best.
John Bush is (was) the voice of Anthrax. This new project should be called something else. When RATM found a new singer they changed the the name to Audioslave. Same should be done here! "NewThrax", "SlipThrax", "Anthnot". You get the idea.

Conclusion: They should changed name after Turbin, after Belladonna era, and after Bush era...what the fucking shit??? They won't change the name because "fans" can't accept the changes. I'm not a fan of Corey Taylor, but I respect Anthrax's decision. I hope that new album will kick moshing ass, because...ANTHRAX NEVER GIVES A SHIT!
I hope Cory keeps his other two bands ahead of this venture because as we all know fronting Anthrax lacks job security.

good on ya John! Move forward.
John Bush = Class + integrity

Concepts that Scott and Charlie don't seem to understand. Although John did some of his greatest singing with Anthrax and together they put out some of the greatest metal albums of all-time, I'm glad that John has the dignity and self-respect to not return to this circus. He deserves a lot better than to go down on this sinking ship.
John Bush = Class + integrity

Concepts that Scott and Charlie don't seem to understand. Although John did some of his greatest singing with Anthrax and together they put out some of the greatest metal albums of all-time, I'm glad that John has the dignity and self-respect to not return to this circus. He deserves a lot better than to go down on this sinking ship.

I hope we get a new Armored Saint album by the end of the year or early 2008, John Bush got me back to Anthrax after IMO Among the Living was the last good album with Joey. the John Bush Fan Forum:

"Joined: 29 Dec 2005
Posts: 70
Location: Brampton, MI
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:19 pm Post subject: Once again Milano scoops 'em. As sad as I am to see the Bushthrax era is all over, I am glad Bush decided to exit. Let's face it, the band is now a joke. The very least they could do is change names. JB fan or fan of JB, this new incarnation will not be the Anthrax we all knew and loved. WCFYA should be their swan song....may as well go out on a high note."

I hope John does some work with the Saint. Or tries a new direction. His voice is too good not to be heard.


Blatz for all you fuckers!"