John Bush is back!!!!

Ehh Anthrax was never about amazing memorable leads (though there are some great ones). If I wanted those, I'd listen to old Megadeth. It's about the riffs and the tone (and Caggiano has much better tone than Dan Spitz).

Yeah I felt like maybe John should have told them no after the reunion nonsense, but deep down, I want to hear John fronting Anthrax no matter what.
Scott Ian: We’re finishing the record and just going out and doing these one-off festivals. We just finished a festival called Loud Park in Japan last week. And we hope to have a record finished by February/March-ish. And we’re going to Australia for this big festival tour. And then we should have a record out next summer time. That’s the goal at this point.[/I]

bloody hell. next summer...:erk:
Hi SpiderDan - thanks for posting John's interview.

Iron Maiden fan...if that era was so special and important...why it didn't last? Because other guys from 'thrax have gone forward from POT...and Joey has not...why they should dwell in the past if they have great future ahead....?



after listening to WM and being aware of its success (#12 on billboard, #6 in Finland) this post is just:lol:
After reading this thread I have to say that John Bush is one of the most overrated vocalists in metal/rock music. It's just weird how fans of the same band become divisive because of different eras/member changes etc.... But it really is different, I mean I've tried and tried listening to Bushthrax and I can't even make it through a whole album. Not to start more shit with anyone, but I truly and honestly feel that it is all around bad music. But if you like it, that's your thing.

But yeah, definite LOL reading this after all that has happened with Anthrax in the past year.
There's still future to come...
...and if someone does NOT like is NOT my loss......and it does NOT make that music bad.
