John Bush is back!!!!

They could possibly do a 2 week run, take a 2 or 3 week break, and then do another 2 week run. That might be something he'd do, as he said after about 2 and a half weeks they start to hate it.
This confirms what I thought was the #1 reason for Bush not rejoining immediately : touring. He has a family now and kudos to him for having a sense of priority... now I guess it's all a matter of the band accepting that they won't do any massive touring anymore with Bush on the mic. It's either massive touring with a new unproven signer, or limited touring with a top-notch proven vocalist...
I agree with IronMaidenFan

The Bush era of Anthrax is cool but the Line-up with Joey and Dan was the best form of Anthrax. Hopefully we'll see that line-up again in the future...

I laugh everytime when I see you guys get hyped up over small news about John Bush - but it's all in good fun.

I'm a true Anthrax fan no matter who's behind the mic, if Bush is back then my question is... what's next?
Thats not saying much. They had a great album in Among the living but after that it was a joke. They got there shit together when bush got on board and its happening again!!!!!!!!!
Look guys, they tried the lineup with Joey and Dan again, and they were not nearly as good live as they were with the WCFYA lineup. Not to mention, with Joey and Dan, they have to ignore 13 years of material. With Bush, they can play songs from their entire career.
Look guys, they tried the lineup with Joey and Dan again, and they were not nearly as good live as they were with the WCFYA lineup. Not to mention, with Joey and Dan, they have to ignore 13 years of material. With Bush, they can play songs from their entire career.

Agreed. I do like most of the Joey-Era Albums better than especially Stomp and V8, but John is the better singer and GOTE showed that he can do the whole range of Anthrax stuff. I kinda doubt that Joey could do Bushthrax-songs.

Funny, how the old John vs. Joey discussion comes up again...
I just don't see how they could make a living touring minimally. They are a metal band and metal makes the bulk of its money on touring & merch. I am a huge Bush fan, but taking John's interview on where he's at, it doesn't seem doable. Also, part of me doesn't think they deserve him. I know some will say he quit, but anyone in John's shoes at that time, being told you're going share the stage with the ex singer the band had ridiculed, would have been pissed and done the same thing. He was basically told deal with it or bail, your choice. All that staying home with family came after that reunion deal. He was ready to push WCFYA as much as needed before that fiasco happened. That being said, I support Bush wherever he ends up and am really excited to hear the new Saint.
Not that it's any of my business but I too don't understand what anthrax is going to do a business model - minimal touring. And the fact of sheer momentum. Okay no more Harpo's type gigs. But what does that really mean? And do they get day jobs? Where's the sustainability in minimal touring?
Not that it's any of my business but I too don't understand what anthrax is going to do a business model - minimal touring. And the fact of sheer momentum. Okay no more Harpo's type gigs. But what does that really mean? And do they get day jobs? Where's the sustainability in minimal touring?

Honestly, most bands tour a shitload for 3 or 4 months around summertime and take time off anyway. So, the fact is, they could instead, do smaller runs, like 2 weeks here, take a few weeks off, do another few weeks, with plenty of breaks. And still play quite a lot of shows, spanning the entire year. Just not long tours, small little legs of the tour here and there. Just depends what John would agree to. He said about 2 and a half weeks in, they get sick of touring. So why not just go out for a week, or two weeks, do a bunch of shows, and then go home for a few weeks to a month. Then, do another week or two weeks. Spread that out throughout the year, and you'd still be doing a lot of shows. Your downtime would be spread out, rather than being stuck on the road for months at a time, and then getting a bunch of time off.
Honestly, most bands tour a shitload for 3 or 4 months around summertime and take time off anyway. So, the fact is, they could instead, do smaller runs, like 2 weeks here, take a few weeks off, do another few weeks, with plenty of breaks. And still play quite a lot of shows, spanning the entire year. Just not long tours, small little legs of the tour here and there. Just depends what John would agree to. He said about 2 and a half weeks in, they get sick of touring. So why not just go out for a week, or two weeks, do a bunch of shows, and then go home for a few weeks to a month. Then, do another week or two weeks. Spread that out throughout the year, and you'd still be doing a lot of shows. Your downtime would be spread out, rather than being stuck on the road for months at a time, and then getting a bunch of time off.

You really think so Deege??? Bands that play only 3-4 months a year usually have day jobs to keep them above water (and I don't see them doing that), or are a multi platinum artists who call their shots. I don't think that bands at Anthrax level could afford to play two weeks, take a few weeks off and then a few more weeks etc. Only bands at Metallica level could pull that off, as the costs are huge. It costs way too much money to setup and do a small part of the U.S. and then come home for a few weeks, then setup and get everything in order and do another part of the U.S. etc., it would take a long time and a lot of dough.... Not to mention doing Europe. How could they just do two weeks and play a handful of countries out there, and continue to fly back and forth till all areas they want/need to hit are done. I know they have been doing that lately, but it's been VERY sporadic so the cost hasn't been that high, and they also haven't had a new release out lately and a need to support that new release full time. When a band like Slayer, Megadeth and even Pantera had a new album come out, they pushed/toured for at least a year or two, and played a lot during that time (at least a month and half or so per jaunt) and none of those bands could afford the loss of money of stopping and starting every two weeks. Even if John does do the album, unless he has a change in heart on touring, that's all Anthrax will get out of him.... One more album. Just my thoughts on it.
....or they concentrate on putting albums out...2 albums per year just like bands did during 70's...:)

But hey...let's just be happy that John is concidering coming back and look forward to hearing new album as soon as possible...I think it is not our "job" to be worried about how they make their living...of course we can help by buying remastered ATL and new live CD...:) - those should keep Joey Primadonna fans happy...:)

I just don't see how they could make a living touring minimally. They are a metal band and metal makes the bulk of its money on touring & merch. I am a huge Bush fan, but taking John's interview on where he's at, it doesn't seem doable. Also, part of me doesn't think they deserve him. I know some will say he quit, but anyone in John's shoes at that time, being told you're going share the stage with the ex singer the band had ridiculed, would have been pissed and done the same thing. He was basically told deal with it or bail, your choice. All that staying home with family came after that reunion deal. He was ready to push WCFYA as much as needed before that fiasco happened. That being said, I support Bush wherever he ends up and am really excited to hear the new Saint.

I never said doing minimal touring would be the best option for the band, but Bush doesn't want to tour intensively anymore, and he's got 'em by the balls. They know it, he knows it :lol:

If he's gonna go back on the road to promote a new album, he's probably gonna ask for alot more $$$ than usual, and the band won't have much of a choice but to oblige... by the balls I tell you!