John Bush. What an inspiration!


Feb 4, 2002
Ive played in a few bands and am starting a new one (I'll be on vocals AND bass this time) and I'll tell ya. John Bush is one of my major influences. Along with Lee Ving, Springteen, Mike Ness, Billy Milano, Greg Graffin and Al Jourgenson. This dude helped shape my style. One thing Ive learned as a vocalist is what a bitch it is to try to find your own sound/voice and not copy who you admire. When your heavily influend by guys like this is tough to try not to imitate then when you play music.
Lets say your band decides to cover a song like Potters Field. Its one thing to sound similar to John Bush but never try to imitate him. It doesnt work. Make it your own when you do it. It will sound better in the end...
My useless banter for the night, enjoy.
Who's buying the next round?
True, it's hard not to imitate. Especially if you have a voice coach. You learn from others. You're trying to nail their notes. Exhausting, but fun. Most of the music I enjoy singing are from male singers, so it's gonna be my own no matter what. However, a woman doing a cover for a male rock song especially metal is totally shunned. Oh well, we rule everything else. :D

P.S. I'm going to see Social D Feb. 4th
Skorned1 said:
True, it's hard not to imitate. Especially if you have a voice coach. You learn from others. You're trying to nail their notes. Exhausting, but fun. Most of the music I enjoy singing are from male singers, so it's gonna be my own no matter what. However, a woman doing a cover for a male rock song especially metal is totally shunned. Oh well, we rule everything else. :D

P.S. I'm going to see Social D Feb. 4th
Sometimes hearing a female cover a male sung song adds something new to it. As far as social D goes. I plan to see them Febuary 26th..
One of my favorite quotes applies in many aspects of life, including music.

"It's better to be a first-rate version of yourself than a second-rate version of someone else."

my only possible complaint with bush is his live show,he says yeah,1234 and lets go,way too much lol,which is usually a sign of laziness in a singer!

anyone agree?
mrthrax said:
my only possible complaint with bush is his live show,he says yeah,1234 and lets go,way too much lol,which is usually a sign of laziness in a singer!

anyone agree?
Absolutely NOT. Anthrax puts on a GREAT live show. I couldn't give a shit if he spoke in Hindu between songs. OK, maybe that would be a bit strange but as long as he sings great and has a shitload of energy on stage I really don't give a flying fuck what he says.

mrthrax said:
my only possible complaint with bush is his live show,he says yeah,1234 and lets go,way too much lol,which is usually a sign of laziness in a singer!

anyone agree?
And John's way better than Belladonna.
Prime - I once listened to a David Lee Roth interview where he said you should learn how to cover a song before you write one, so you know learn how to write. Maybe its the same for singing. What do I know. But I hear what you're saying.
I think cover songs are crucial when you're first starting out. Too many bands are close minded about doing covers.

Jeff, I never knew you played. Come to DC and jam with me and my friends !
DarbysDad said:
Prime - I once listened to a David Lee Roth interview where he said you should learn how to cover a song before you write one, so you know learn how to write. Maybe its the same for singing. What do I know. But I hear what you're saying.
The best was when someone asked DLR what he thought of Sammy singing "Panama," and he said he always thought the song should be sung by a woman!
coop said:
Absolutely NOT. Anthrax puts on a GREAT live show. I couldn't give a shit if he spoke in Hindu between songs. OK, maybe that would be a bit strange but as long as he sings great and has a shitload of energy on stage I really don't give a flying fuck what he says.

didn't know Hindu was a language!
AlexStomp said:
I think cover songs are crucial when you're first starting out. Too many bands are close minded about doing covers.

Jeff, I never knew you played. Come to DC and jam with me and my friends !
Yeah, I stopped playing for years my heart just wasnt in it any more. Then I got pissed off again had some real good and bad experiences and figured its time to get back in the game for my own shits and giggles. That and god has helped me see the light. Cause when Lemmy speaks you damn well better listen, even if you don't have a clue what the fuck he just said