John Oliva and Black Reign last nite in Tampa

Mar 12, 2003
First off I want to say that the place was packed!!Great job TampaBlack Reigh,Wade Blacks band,was a treat
1st half of his set he brought out Ben Jackson and did 4 songs off of Astonomica,then the 2nd half of his set,he brought out Pete Black and Yes.

Then it was time for the Mountain King
This show had a much different feel to it,because John's longtime friend/tour manager just passed away suddenly earlier this month,and it showed during portions of the set.He could not make it through "Believe"
Very good night of Savatage though,he brought up Zack Stevens for 3 songs,incliding what he called "the first Trans Siberian Orchestra" song off of Handful of Rain,Chance(that sounded great)
Those of you lucky enough to get tix for th especial Wed nite show in Atlanta are in for a treat

I was going to make a trip down for this, but I decided to save all my money for ProgPower. I'm glad to hear it was a good show.
I will keep this short but sweet,

First and foremost thanks to everyone involved with this nights celebration especially Phyllis, Donald Clark, Kevin Rothney, Kathy Tijou, Billy (FOH soundman) and The Marchak Family. There are far to many names to list, so we hope that everyone of you understands how much JOP and the Marchak family appreciates what you all did.

As for the tribute, we feel like we gave 150% to properly celebrate Greg's legacy as a producer/engineer, brother, friend, son and just all-around great human being. It was the most emotional 3 weeks of our lives, and we are so fortunate to have had a venue and the platform to celebrate all that was good in "Super G". Greg's family was blown away by the sheer number of fans and friends he had. Many, many of you came up to them to share your stories and admiration for him, and they were simply overwhelmed by the endless praise and respect he had earned. Meeting his family after the show backstage was the one of the hardest things we ever had to do. And the show itself was as emotional as it could possibly be. Anyone in attendance could not help but feel the amazing amount of love their was in the room for Super G that night....It was magical!

Thank you all who signed the poster of Greg, which will be sent to his family later this week.

And all of us in JOP world would like to thank each and every one of you for being a part of our party for Greg. We know he was smiling down on us that night and he gave us the strength to do what we needed to do.

Rest in peace Greg "Super G" Marchak. We are going to make you proud with the next JOP CD, and your influence and talent will forever be present in everything we do....Til' we meet again friend!

I will keep this short but sweet,

First and foremost thanks to everyone involved with this nights celebration especially Phyllis, Donald Clark, Kevin Rothney, Kathy Tijou, Billy (FOH soundman) and The Marchak Family. There are far to many names to list, so we hope that everyone of you understands how much JOP and the Marchak family appreciates what you all did.

As for the tribute, we feel like we gave 150% to properly celebrate Greg's legacy as a producer/engineer, brother, friend, son and just all-around great human being. It was the most emotional 3 weeks of our lives, and we are so fortunate to have had a venue and the platform to celebrate all that was good in "Super G". Greg's family was blown away by the sheer number of fans and friends he had. Many, many of you came up to them to share your stories and admiration for him, and they were simply overwhelmed by the endless praise and respect he had earned. Meeting his family after the show backstage was the one of the hardest things we ever had to do. And the show itself was as emotional as it could possibly be. Anyone in attendance could not help but feel the amazing amount of love their was in the room for Super G that night....It was magical!

Thank you all who signed the poster of Greg, which will be sent to his family later this week.

And all of us in JOP world would like to thank each and every one of you for being a part of our party for Greg. We know he was smiling down on us that night and he gave us the strength to do what we needed to do.

Rest in peace Greg "Super G" Marchak. We are going to make you proud with the next JOP CD, and your influence and talent will forever be present in everything we do....Til' we meet again friend!


You guys were so awesome. GREAT show!!
It was so nice. It was my first Jon Oliva show..
Too bad I'm like 2 feet tall compared to everyone else. I couldn't get ONE photo. Too short and too many "tall" people in front of me.
So nice and nice memorial slideshow, before the set.