John...(Star Wars :) )

Dude I swear, I keep bumping into funny Star wars pics all the time, this is getting creepy.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the official Biowallpaper (I found that somewhere on t3h 1nt4rw3b, LAWRL ! Okay, sorry).

Click the picture for full-sized goodness :

edit : I've only just seen the lipstick mark on the crotch of that stormtrooper-ette photo on top this page.. Excellent !
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the official Biowallpaper (I found that somewhere on t3h 1nt4rw3b, LAWRL ! Okay, sorry).

Click the picture for full-sized goodness :

edit : I've only just seen the lipstick mark on the crotch of that stormtrooper-ette photo on top this page.. Excellent !


I didn't notice that lipstick mark:lol:
"To help celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars the United States Postal Service will be introducing custom mailboxes wrapped in R2-D2 graphics. Although I don't know what they're gonna do with them, since the second they're actually put on the street they'd just get stolen."


From an article found on Geekology via

Doodz and doodettes, here comes #2 in our Biomechanical Wallpapers series.

Click the picture for full sized geek love.

Dayum I LOVE the interweb /\o0/\.
Current rumors :

"We do know that Lucas plans on rereleasing the original Star Wars film in IMAX 3D to celebrate the 30th anniversary in May 2007.

Producer Rick McCallum has previously confirmed that a box set of all six films was in the works. Animation director Rob Coleman also let it slip that the puppet Yoda from Episode I had already been replaced with a new CG Yoda to match Episodes II & III for the "future" release.

The rumored set is expected to include all six films, and could possibly be 15 discs."

Oh, by the way : My new sig > yallz.