John...(Star Wars :) )

And while they are at it they should digitally remove Jar Jar:)
Or have him brutally killed on the first scene :heh:


* * *

About the unaltered versions, they had that as a bonus DVD on the last re editions... Those ones, I mean :

Gotta catch'em all !
Here's something to keep you busy on the bus : Papercraft Star wars


Enjoy !

...You might also consider this as a means of transportation between gigs.


edit : oh yeah, hire this guy for the new album ? Please ? Please ? He must be british. Please ?
Could you imagine working here Michel and John:)

* faints *

...I didn't know Jar Jar was voted worst character in science fiction history. \m/o.o.

Photo 5 : 250 terabytes ? That's a *lot* of divx's... 8)

* * *

I've always wanted to have one of those full sized Aliens statues. I would put it behind the front door. People that visit me would come in, turn around to close the door, be face to face with an alien going "rawr" with a fuckload of teeth and they would just collapse on the floor from pure fright. Such a statue would allow me to laugh at them after they have fallen in fear. FALLEN IN FEAR ! DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE ? DID YOU ? I am so dumb, it's genious. The force of jackassery is with me. Use the force.

...the thing about wanting to have one of those statues is true, though.
There is a guy in the US who was GIVEN all the original Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 props including the original costumes, the Nostromo, The Sets of Alien, the lot for safe keeping just because they were going to burn (sacrilege) the sets after filming. Apparently this is the norm in Hollywood. WTF? How can you just burn all the Alien props?!?

The dude has the original Alien Queen that he then lend to the producers of Alien Resurrection to film the up-close shots of the queen. Lucky bastard!

I'm up for Ninja'ing his collection. All we need is a few like minded individuals an A-Team van (!) and to find out where he lives!

I know a store in Glasgow that sells a full sized Alien creature, made by a metalwork student. It's been out of the window for a while now, but it looked utterly incredible - the covered it in oozey-goo at Christmas just for effect!
Haha! That's quality! Ages 4 and above! Just morbid enough to still be hilarious. Much like Chris' dead baby jokes... :err:

Yeah man, I kindda thought of that. We first send our families there, populate the planet, change their atmosphere and have a problem when the planetary animals attack and eat the humans who took over their territory.
Then send a hormonally imbalanced crazy woman, torch all the eggs and nuke the rest of them. I mean WTF?

You're right, there's something not quite right about that. And isnt it a coincidence that as soon as Ripley tells them about the Aliens, the colonists discover them, where they hadn't before...?

That said, they're awesome films. Did you know the scene from Alien where it comes out of the guys stomach was recently voted the best 18 rated scene in cinema history?