John Zorn for starters


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I always meant to check out some Zorn stuff. Finally, today when I was at my local CD store, I asked them if they had any Zorn CDs and they said they only had Spillane from 1987. I actually had intended to pick up Naked City since that's the one I keep hearing of the most, but what could I do?

So I've picked this disc up and spun it a couple of times. I'm confused. Am I doing wrong by starting with this disc? I was expecting to hear more atonal riffs mixed up with some seriously metallic overtones in an otherwise jazzy context.

So what are the best discs of Zorn to get into his music? And what are his essential albums?

Also, where does Spillane stand in his catalog?

Now if you really want to hear some quality shit from John Zorn
check out the Mr. Bungle - Mr. Bungle disc, has a clown theme on the cover. John Zorn produced and performed on this album. One of the best albums ever.
Funk metal jazz ska fusion theme music, its all there..
wow, I've heard pretty much all mr.bungle except that one!
Going to have to find it now!
I do have the self-titled Mr Bungle only. I'm interested in checking out brutal avant/jazz/metal by Zorn. What would be some good recommendations?

Also, where does Spillane sit in his catalog?
Zorn does a lot of classical composition albums, which range from traditional chamber music type stuff, to a lot of avant-garde crap. He also plays in a couple bands such as Masada and Naked City. This site: has tons of information on John Zorn as well as extensive notes about each project and album.