Joined a band...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Haven't posted to much here recently, mainly because I've been busy learning songs with a band I'm joining(as a secong live guitarist).

I'm pretty stoked playing with them, It's perfect for me now that I'm becoming a dad, I don't have to care about much, just show up at the rehearsal and gigs.

Also Jocke (The Dude here at the forum) mixed their new album and I must say it sounds absolutly fantastic.

Check the two teaser clips on their myspace:

Can't wait to play this shit live!
Feared still on, in fact we're planning to record some vocals for coming 5 songs soon!

Cool ! Can't wait to hear that.

Also, i asked this a while ago but still... at some point you posted a myspace blog where people could download your latest FEARED release, but that was before you "remixed" the tracks using metal foundry sdx IIRR, and those "remixed" tracks were available for streaming on FEARED myspace, and sounded better than the original versions IMO.
My question is : can we get those "remixed" tracks somewhere ? I'd buy a ghetto-printed/burnt ep of that stuff seriously.
Cool ! Can't wait to hear that.

Also, i asked this a while ago but still... at some point you posted a myspace blog where people could download your latest FEARED release, but that was before you "remixed" the tracks using metal foundry sdx IIRR, and those "remixed" tracks were available for streaming on FEARED myspace, and sounded better than the original versions IMO.
My question is : can we get those "remixed" tracks somewhere ? I'd buy a ghetto-printed/burnt ep of that stuff seriously.

I haven't done this for all tracks though, just the ones on myspace. I'm still planning to do the same thing to the rest of them when I get time...