Jon Allen, John trying to figure something out


Mar 30, 2003
OK, I'm gonna be asking a series of nerdy fucking questions. Don't ask why. Just go with it. This is Tharsh here. It's tradition. No really, need it for a "project" I'm working on...anyways so like to start off...

(1) What were the gigs John Tempesta played with the band recently? I know he did the European festivals in July/August 2003 plus the 2 shows of the aborted Metal Gods tour in New York in May 2003...but what others during 2002-2003? I know he did some but his gigs were a little interspresped with Jon's...a little confused there help me out on whether he or Jon played during the following gigs...

(a) 4 gigs in December 2002, w/ Violence
(b) 4 gigs in February/March 2003 with Halford/Violence (this includes the Thrashfest)
(c) 4 gigs in June 2003 with Halford (Skinlab/Leatherwolf opening for 2 each)

(2) The first time round in 1994-ish, did John do any gigs with Testament or did he only do his parts for LOW then bounce?

Cheers...more questions coming soon...
You fags! I got all excited seeing 3 replies to this thread! Fuck you! LOL! Come on TLegions, help a brotha out :)

Pest, mind your own business.
BTW mighty Tharsh, how does somebody pronounce Thrashiq anyway?
Is it "Thrash-eek" or "Thrash eye-Q" or something else or what?

just curious, dude...
One does not pronounce "Thrashiq". That is a Sacred Name only to Written, not to be Spoken. You may however refer to me as Emperor Tharsh. Thank you drive through.

:worship: Bow To The Tempo Of The Tharsh :worship: