Jon is trying to hard to be like his idols

Eddie. Eddie fought the devil. That would make him more powerful than a mere Antichrist. Eddie time travels as well. ANNNNND came back from the dead and was reborn.
Iced Earth does seem like a Maiden copy image-wise sometimes,but I don't see anything wrong with that....I'd be more concerned about the revolving door situation with the band members.
The cover is cool to me,as I said in the other thread already,and of course I just need to get my point through by posting my opinion in any other related thread. And I'm criticising (how the hell is that spelled?) myself. :rolleyes:
I'd pick The Reckoning cover over The Trooper one.
Also,Iced In Flames,you make it seem like Set and Eddie are having a supervillain deathmatch here.
Sympozium said:
Oh look he also ripped off the snake that is on the flag from Metallica's black album.
Who gives a fuck???
The point I'm getting at is Jon is becoming quite uninventive anymore. The music on the three soundclips are rehashed Iced Earth. Reckoning starts like Damien and I hear a part from Diary in there. People have been saying for awhile that IE is jsut riffs redone and now I am starting to hear it. So now Set is Eddie, they have Judas Priests singer. Now how else can he make him look like another band? Gonna use a guitar that looks like an axe?
"Actually, Metallica ripped it off of American history."

Exactly. One of the first concepts for the American flag was the "Don't Tread on Me" flag, and guess what symbol it had on it: THE SAME FUCKING ONE ON THE FUCKING FLAG ON THE FUCKING COVER. And also, guess which came first, Metallica or the "Don't Tread on Me" flag. Now, I'm not going to give the answer away, but if you think it is the former.........THEN YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG!