JON OLIVA: What Would YOU Like To Know?

Now that his trilogy has been done, will he continue releasing solo material or take a break and fully concentrate on X-mas TSO albums in the future?

Will he write again with Zak for CIIC?

Has Damond Jiniya left Savatage for certain or is there any chance of him returning should they decide to release another album?

How much will he sing on the Nightcastle disc and will it be like Beethoven's Last Night musically?

How about ...

Is Jon tired of folks always asking him about Savatage and TSO, instead of Jon Oliva's Pain?

Sorry guys, no harm intended. I love Savatage and TSO as much as the next fan, but I have yet to see one question on this thread that does not in some way pertain to Savatage and/or TSO and only pertains to Jon's solo material. I'm not trying to complain, because that's what most of my questions would have been about but ....

Wasn't there a thread on this forum awhile back with a quoted letter/statement from Jon saying that there will NEVER be a Savatage reunion? Savatage is done. Did I misread that thread? (Maybe I did.)

I'm not denying it. I want a Savatage reunion too, but what does this poor guy need to do or say to get us as people and fans to understand the word "NO"?

Take out a full page ad in the New York Times or Metal Edge Magazine?
Run a personal video of himself saying "No way" on YouTube?
Buy screen-time to make a publicized statement at Wacken Open Air?

Seriously, what? :zombie:
How about ...

Is Jon tired of folks always asking him about Savatage and TSO, instead of Jon Oliva's Pain? :zombie:

That's actually not a bad tact to take.

I'm sure during his Wings years Paul McCartney got tired of people asking him, "So...when will the Beatles get back together?"

Good insights and questions, everyone. Keep 'em coming!

How about if he has any desire of doing another Dr. Butcher album with Chris Caffery?

I know he's going to give his typical answer here, but it's worth a shot
Well, the reason I ask is because there were comments made about there being "one more" Savatage album, likely the very last, if there ever will be another. So it's not out of left field, and frankly, while JoP is great, Savatage is better. And while every year TSO promises to release Nightcastle (and play that one song), it never happened. The Beethoven's tour never happened either. If they're going to keep bumping out holiday tunes, they've totally lost my interest. So I'm curious to know if these promises will ever come through and if TSO's future is something besides Radio City's replacement.
How about ...
Is Jon tired of folks always asking him about Savatage and TSO, instead of Jon Oliva's Pain?

Listen BlackRose, I respect what you're saying, but Jon is a big boy and he can handle himself. He does not in any way deny his Savatage roots that him and Criss made for themselves. With that said, I highly doubt that he gets tired of hearing fans say how great Savatage was and asking about a reunion. Plus, from what I understand, the only reason he doesn't currently use the Savatage name is out of respect for the other former members. Otherwise, JOP would probably be called Jon Oliva's Savatage or something to that effect.

Again, I'm not trying to start anything with you. With that said, don't come down on other fans just because they don't take no for an answer. I'm one of those fans that will continue to hang on to the possibility of a Sava reunion. Why? Mainly because the Savatage camp has never been very predictable! :kickass:

Is Jon tired of folks always asking him about Savatage and TSO, instead of Jon Oliva's Pain?
Well, too bad then. Jon will have to deal with the Savatage questions till he stops making music. JOP, while good in its own way, does not hold up to the majestic Sava albums. And no matter how much he claims JOP is Savatage, it's not. Without Paul O'Neill's input, it cannot be Savatage.
Well, too bad then. Jon will have to deal with the Savatage questions till he stops making music. JOP, while good in its own way, does not hold up to the majestic Sava albums. And no matter how much he claims JOP is Savatage, it's not. Without Paul O'Neill's input, it cannot be Savatage.

I guess you don't think that early-Savatage is ... Savatage? What band is it? Many people don't think about Sirens, The Dungeons are Calling, Power of the Night, and Fight for the Rock (well lets just remove this example, since so many have issues with it including Jon) when thinking of Savatage. But the first 3 are important albums.
With that said, don't come down on other fans just because they don't take no for an answer. I'm one of those fans that will continue to hang on to the possibility of a Sava reunion. Why? Mainly because the Savatage camp has never been very predictable! :kickass:

While they are not in my "Holy Trinity" of metal (Doro, Dio, Iron Maiden), Savatage is probably in my top 5 or 10 metal bands of all time. They are, however, in Nick's "Holy Trinity" (Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Savatage), so between his love and my love for them I listen to them a lot. A whole lot. I appreciate their music. I love Savatage. I love TSO. I'm in agreement with everything that has been stated on this thread (including the fact that Jon is a big boy and can handle himself and the questions from his adoring fans).

I would love for a Savatage reunion! Believe me - I would! (I'm not holding my breath for one, since Jon pretty much has already made his statement on this.) But as I said, I meant no offense to those who were asking for one.

It was just that out of the 8 (9 if you count mine) actual questions that have been asked on this thread about an artist who's playing ProgPower (technically Jon' Oliva's Pain, although I realize that he pulls from other catalogs) there was not yet one actual question specific to the band that's playing ProgPower - Jon Oliva's Pain. Maybe not, but I would think to a certain degree that would be a little disheartening to an artist who is focused on a certain project, yet folks continuously ask him about every other musical endeavor he is/has been involved in except the one he seems to want to focus on right now. I'm not saying folks shouldn't ask, I'm just trying to step back and take a look at this from Jon's perspective.
Couldn't disagree more.
+1 :headbang: I also like Dead Winter Dead.
While they are not in my "Holy Trinity" of metal (Doro, Dio, Iron Maiden), Savatage is probably in my top 5 or 10 metal bands of all time. They are, however, in Nick's "Holy Trinity" (Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Savatage), so between his love and my love for them I listen to them a lot. A whole lot. I appreciate their music. I love Savatage. I love TSO. I'm in agreement with everything that has been stated on this thread (including the fact that Jon is a big boy and can handle himself and the questions from his adoring fans).

I would love for a Savatage reunion! Believe me - I would! (I'm not holding my breath for one, since Jon pretty much has already made his statement on this.) But as I said, I meant no offense to those who were asking for one.

It was just that out of the 8 (9 if you count mine) actual questions that have been asked on this thread about an artist who's playing ProgPower (technically Jon' Oliva's Pain, although I realize that he pulls from other catalogs) there was not yet one actual question specific to the band that's playing ProgPower - Jon Oliva's Pain. Maybe not, but I would think to a certain degree that would be a little disheartening to an artist who is focused on a certain project, yet folks continuously ask him about every other musical endeavor he is/has been involved in except the one he seems to want to focus on right now. I'm not saying folks shouldn't ask, I'm just trying to step back and take a look at this from Jon's perspective.

+1 :headbang: I also like Dead Winter Dead.

I do understand the point you're making and it's a good one. With that said, I thought you were coming down just a tad hard on people that were asking questions specifically to Savatage.

In my thinking, regarding your point, I believe it would be a little more disheartening for the rest of the JOP band members, moreso than Jon. Again, I'm sure that they knew it would just come with the territory though.:kickass:

The band stagnated and never recovered after Handful of Rain.

I 200% disagree with this statement. Dead Winter Dead, Wake of Magellan, and Poets and Madmen were pinnacle efforts in my opinion. :Smug:

By the way, Handful of Rain was almost more of a Jon Oliva effort than the JOP releases are. Jon played 99.9% of the instruments on that release, with the exception of the guitar leads. Those were handled by Alex Skolnick of course.
