
Just a Kid at Heart
Okay, gang. On Sunday, May 18, I'll be chatting with Ralf Gyllenhammar (Vocals, Lead Guitar), for the Swedish rock quartet Mustasch.

Between now and then, I'll be brushing up on my Mustasch Qs, trimming them until they're even, and waxing them until they shine.

But is there something you'd like to know about these guys? If so, feel free to chime in.


Other than on their website, where can i pick up some of their albums???

That's a great question. Distribution is one of the biggest challenges facing bands these days, especially bands overseas. It's also one of the challenges I face every year. As soon as Glenn announces the bands, I scramble to find all of their CDs. It usually takes a few months -- and quite a few hundred dollars -- to round up all of them.

In the case of Mustasch, I found Amazon, which carries almost all of their albums, to be a good source, as well as iTunes, which carries five of their albums as relatively inexpensive downloads.

Still, that's a good question to ask Ralf. I'll ask him if he's found distro to be a problem, or if he has no worries about fans overseas obtaining their music.
/ I have a feeling it's an odd coincidence, given that the English spelling is "mustache" and they spell their name "Mustasch".


Actually, mustasch means mustache in Swedish.

I would ask how he manages to grow those awesome chops.
Well, I guess then I'm just curious to know where the name came from in general.

Actually, mustasch means mustache in Swedish.

From their bio located on the Wacken website:

"In the fall of 1998, Mustasch recorded a demo on the Mustasch Farm. An old estate located on the island Orust in Sweden, where Hannes and Dojan lived among mice, vipers and harvesters. They crammed drums and amps into the living quarters, grabbed their gear and pushed the record-button. And their brew of raging led-heavy riffs, radiant drums and expressive vocals left no-one untouched."

And from The Right to Rock archives:

"Named after a farm in Orust, Sweden this 4 piece has been around since the late 90’s born from the ashes of their former punk band Grindstone."

Bottom line, they're named after the farm where they recorded their first demo.

Rofl. Don't have to be a douche about it. Doesn't change the accuracy of my statement either. :)
LOL - agreed, I actually wondered that myself. I think it might've just been the last name of the family that owned the land, but I'm not sure, I couldn't dig up any further details.


I'll ask Ralf this weekend. I'm sure he gets asked about the band's name a lot, so I'll have to ask in such a way that it doesn't seem like the standard question.

Many thanks for the input, everyone!
