jonas vocals..


Sep 6, 2008
just listen to this:

how awesome is the harsh but clean vocals compared to normal? and jonas hits just about every note perfectly.

also from a similiar time, about a year before, again jonas has almost perfect pitch:

just wondering cause sometimes jonas sings perfectly and other times.. yea

thoughts? would the harsher vox work in the studio?

oh and anders.. your awesome but sometimes your backing vocals arent so great xD
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I have no idea what you mean.. sounds both usual to me.

And there's such a think as daily form? Day 1 of a tour you sound differently than day 10. If you smoked 10 ciggs the day before, have a cold, smoked some weed, or did any of 150 different things it could make a difference.

Anders vox.. Live Consternation! He can do it so well.
lol you srsly cannot notice the sorta gritty edge that jonas puts on his vox in the first vid? anders sounds great in recordings and ye in the consternation live dvd too he is aight, but you have to rememeber that dvd has been edited in the studio.
Katatonia is one of my favorite bands, but I still think they are a better studio band than a live band...Jonas isn't a great vocalist; he is a unique vocalist, and with studio time he can make something truely epic,but even with a great vocal processor live he still isn't that great. If he could really, really sing, then he wouldn't need to put his entire mouth up to the mic, and still then he never really goes into the higher vocal parts
I notice that in a live setting when they do a song that, for example, has a chorus with two vocal lines (both by Jonas on the CD, one higher and one lower) Jonas always opts for the higher range, which comes across as awkward. If he sang it normally it would sound Normal.

Other than that I must say Jonas has improved throughout the years, all the live performances I've seen within the past 5-6 years he has been really good.
I notice that in a live setting when they do a song that, for example, has a chorus with two vocal lines (both by Jonas on the CD, one higher and one lower) Jonas always opts for the higher range, which comes across as awkward. If he sang it normally it would sound Normal.


Jonas should take the lower pitch during harmonies, Anders' vocals are better suited to the higher parts.