JOP... 9/30 in Schaumburg

And 3 is playing the next night at Reggie's...

And Nick Cave the 2 nights before!

So this will be the second time I ride my bicycle to go see Jon Oliva perform...should be a lot easier than the first time though!

I wonder if I would have heard about this show if I didn't see it posted here. It's not on any lists, and for some reason I'm not in the habit of checking City Limits' website when scanning for shows...

Um, let's trade jobs... take the kids I have every day and the grading and planning, and then tell me if you can pull off all your sleep deprived activities with NO CAFFEINE. =p Besides, didn't you leave the Katatonia show early 'cause you were 'tired?' :lol:

You're on. I'd still have no choice but to abstain from caffeine body says no to it! I've had to learn to function without. That's not to take away from the stresses you have as a teacher. I know it's a tough job. ;)

The main reason I left Katatonia towards the end is because I hadn't had enough to eat that day and needed food. I felt like I was gonna pass out! :p
Hey there, Q

I'll try to pay a visit to Impulse as soon as possible, thx.

By the way, did you happen to see the Labor Day fireworks at Septemberfest in Schaumburg last night? They were pretty good - really loud! It's a good thing I was able to see them from my place since I don't get out much as used to.

Here's a video clip I started from the middle of the display until the finale in case you missed it.


The video archive has other stuff
I told Scotty I'd try to help promote this show.


Looks like he needs to get a copy editor before these things go to print. :heh:
FYI: Don't try to get tickets for this show at City Limits. They're not selling them there, or at least they didn't sell them yesterday when I went there.

Have to go to Ticketmaster... :ill:
Rachel: I'm glad I saved you an unnecessary trip.

Rob: Yep, you're a class act fo' shizzle. Someone may have mentioned it before but I think it bears repeating.
Who said anything about hatin besides you? :p You're the one who seemingly appears to delight in the "fact" that the show will not be all that it can be and I wonder why that is. You exhibited this same sort of schadenfreude-like smugness when Usurper broke up, too. Remember that? :p

I may have called you guys out on things like the advanced ticketing and the food issues back in '06 but in case you haven't noticed, short of becoming an el33t sponsa I've been a more active Powerfest supporter these past couple of years so You should show some respect, mistah. Just a- just a- just a- just a little bit. :saint:

Since I'm not a big fan of after-show parties and parking perks, etc, the l33t sponsaship doesn't really appeal to me. I do very much appreciate that your camera policy has been a friendly one since the first Powerfest show event. That rules. Thank you!
Who said anything about hatin besides you? :p You're the one who seemingly appears to delight in the "fact" that the show will not be all that it can be and I wonder why that is. You exhibited this same sort of schadenfreude-like smugness when Usurper broke up, too. Remember that? :p

I may have called you guys out on things like the advanced ticketing and the food issues back in '06 but in case you haven't noticed, short of becoming an el33t sponsa I've been a more active Powerfest supporter these past couple of years so You should show some respect, mistah. Just a- just a- just a- just a little bit. :saint:

Since I'm not a big fan of after-show parties and parking perks, etc, the l33t sponsaship doesn't really appeal to me. I do very much appreciate that your camera policy has been a friendly one since the first Powerfest show event. That rules. Thank you!


WOW!!!! You interpretted all that from me saying (confidently) it won't sell out...just wow. Sorry, but if I didn't know at least a little something about estimating draw potential, then I would have no business booking bands.

Maybe you need to re-evaluate your harshness because their is absolutely NO "delight" I get from this show's situation!

Bad day? :p

WOW!!!! You interpretted all that from me saying (confidently) it won't sell out...just wow. Sorry, but if I didn't know at least a little something about estimating draw potential, then I would have no business booking bands.

Maybe you need to re-evaluate your harshness because their is absolutely NO "delight" I get from this show's situation!

Bad day? :p

Yeah that's how I interpreted it. Sorry if that offends you.

Bad day, no. It was actually a pretty good day.

How about yours? :)

Ok then, thanks for your further input. My sincere apologies to you if I got the wrong impression from your previous posts in this thread. Also, I was trying to relay my (apparently mistaken) impression as honestly as possible, if that means anything to you.

I'm on my lunch break right now so I'm pressed for time but I may try to write more to clarify my position later this evening.

And by the way, thanks for not banning me over this public discourse with you regarding this matter. I appreciate that.


Ok then, thanks for your further input. My sincere apologies to you if I got the wrong impression from your previous posts in this thread. Also, I was trying to relay my (apparently mistaken) impression as honestly as possible, if that means anything to you.

I'm on my lunch break right now so I'm pressed for time but I may try to write more to clarify my position later this evening.

And by the way, thanks for not banning me over this public discourse with you regarding this matter. I appreciate that.


It's really no big deal. ;) Don't sweat it for a second.

And regarding not being banned...Come on!! :lol: