JOP... 9/30 in Schaumburg

Sorry you can't make it, Jose.

However, I'm glad you'll be joining us tomorrow, Amber. So far it looks like it's just you, Rachel, The_Q, Neil, and myself that have committed within this thread. For Scotty's sake I hope the silent masses show up. Somehow, since at least 1995, he's been able to keep bringing us the metal... :kickass:

Anyway, this should be a great show. The last time I saw JO and ZS on stage together was back in 1998 for The Wake of Magellan tour at the Metro. Neil may remember that event. That was the night he became a live Savafan. That was such an incredible show. It would have made me an instant Savafan too if I hadn't already been one. :D
Sorry you can't make it, Jose.

However, I'm glad you'll be joining us tomorrow, Amber. So far it looks like it's just you, Rachel, The_Q, Neil, and myself that have committed within this thread. For Scotty's sake I hope the silent masses show up. Somehow, since at least 1995, he's been able to keep bringing us the metal... :kickass:

I am confident that this show will have a good draw, regardless of the fact that it is at a crappy venue and on a weekday.
And if not...Hey! More room for me up front!
A few other members of the crew will be at the show tonight, as well as my German import.
Hopefully I won't have to wear a hockey mask to protect my face from his rockin' out during JOP.
Caught this tour last night in St. Louis. Awesome show. Jon and Zak both sounded great. All of the Savatage material was just amazing. I can't believe that I finally got to hear those songs live. You guys are in for a treat tonight. And let me just say that Andy Lee (guitarist for CIIC) absolutely killed it last night. I had heard that he was an amazing guitarist and I totally agree. He was outstanding last night. Manticora was also very good, although maybe not well-suited for this tour. They would probably be a better fit on the Gamma Ray/Helloween tour. But I enjoyed their set and will probably buy some of their CD's.

The attendance was pathetic, which was sad to see. Manticora came out and kind of looked at each other like :ill:. Jon mostly joked around about it and complimented us for being "loud for such a small crowd" etc. It was probably comparable to the Candlemass show at the Pearl Room. One funny thing was that the two guys standing on my right were also both at the Pearl Room for the Gamma Ray/Helloween show.
That show was at Pop's, right? How very strange indeed in that the Intromental guy was raving over at the ProgPower forum about how great it was to work with them and calling other promoters "wanna-be's" and blah, blah, blah. :erk:

I guess a crack staff of however many they have doesn't necessarily bring in the crowds. :heh:
That show was at Pop's, right? How very strange indeed in that the Intromental guy was raving over at the ProgPower forum about how great it was to work with them and calling other promoters "wanna-be's" and blah, blah, blah. :erk:

I guess a crack staff of however many they have doesn't necessarily bring in the crowds. :heh:

Was there a thread about that or did he mention it in another thread? I missed that somehow. But yeah, I was actually kind of embarrassed by the small crowd. I would like to see the "official" attendance number. It is pretty obvious why many tours skip St. Louis these days. :erk:
x-post from PPUSA forum:

I was talking about the show with a friend beforehand and somehow mentioned that I didn't know when it would really start, and she said "why don't you just call the venue?" I said "ha...anyone who answers the phone there certainly isn't going to know and/or care!" So yeah, it was a trip back in time; that's what all late-90s underground-ish metal shows were like, whether Jackhammer's, Riley's, Smiler Coogan's, or J.J. Kelley's, etc. I was actually surprised that you could buy advance tickets for this one, because even that was a rarity back in the day. I remember the cover charge for Iced Earth (or maybe Nevermore?) was once $3. $3! And I'm talking like 1997, not 1957.

Circle II Circle was ok. Obviously the venue they were playing in colored my impressions, but they looked like a bar band, not an internationally touring band that has played Wacken. Though the lead guitarist does have that awesome Peter Tagtgren/Warrel Dane haggard look to him. I was also impressed by the frequent harmony vocals provided by the bass player; that's something I don't see enough of these days. The greatness of the Savatage songs they did at the end mostly served to highlight the relative weakness of the CIIC songs.

Then Jon Oliva came out and showed that the atmosphere of the venue could easily be overcome. His sound was more forceful, the band looked more pro, and the whole thing suddenly felt more like an "event". He was funny, engaging and relaxed as usual, and, speaking of old-school Chicago metal, he got perhaps the loudest cheer of the night by talking about the long-gone Thirsty Whale. If I was shown photos of the two main forces in the band (Oliva and guitarist Matt LaPorte), I would guess that they would be most famous as a couple of sad-sacks who defended themselves from a goofy lawsuit on an episode of "Judge Judy". Never would I guess that they could play such great music! So of course the Savatage stuff was the highlight (with "Edge of Thorns"->"Chance"->"Somewhere in Time"->"Believe" being one of the best 4-song sequences you'll ever see), but even the JOP stuff was good too, with "Firefly", a song I probably heard once before, as a particular standout. And when Zak Stevens came out for his songs, he looked and even sounded way better than he did with CIIC. And I'm pretty amazed at how great Jon's voice still is. I thought that the trend of asking him to dedicate songs to people he doesn't even know was a bit lame, but in the case of the guy whose father had died, it had the nice side-effect of making him play the song ("When the Crowds are Gone") more seriously. Because while all his goofing around is generally fun, many Savatage songs do have deep emotional power to them, so it was nice to see the actions match the words, at least for a bit. Overall it still didn't touch that 1998 Savatage show (still one of my all-time favorites), when they were still a "big", major-label band, but it was pretty great.

I did what I consider to be a fairly accurate count-estimate, and there is no way there were 200 people there. More like 100, 120 max. That's about the exact number I was expecting, but actually it felt more "full" in there than the numbers imply, due to the setup of the room. When Jon said that they would like to come back to the same venue ("next time on a Friday!") and thanked the owner for paying them a bunch of money, I thought I heard a note of implied sympathy in there for the fact that the owner was totally taking a bath on this one. But just like those bar shows of yore, the per-capita crowd noise was excellent, way beyond what you'll ever get at a larger show, if that counts for anything.


General setlist, taken from and modified from my not-great memory:

1.Sirens (Savatage)

3.Global Warning
4.Hounds (Savatage)

6.Tonight He Grins Again (Savatage)
8.Maniacal Renderings
9.Gutter Ballet (Savatage)
10.Walk Upon the Water

11.Edge of Thorns (Savatage) (with Zak Stevens)
13.Chance (Savatage) (with Zak Stevens)
14.Somewhere In Time (Savatage)
15.Believe (Savatage)
2.Adding the Cost

Encore (thankfully they didn't actually leave the stage):
16.When the Crowds are Gone (Savatage)
17.Hall of the Mountain King (Savatage)

Warriors was definitely #2

My cross post from the PPUSA forum (minus the lol icon)...

Some of my favorite moments/comments came when Jon and Zak were getting in their digs on death vokills, with Jon doing some mock dv bits...and doing them quite well actually.

Also when Jon commented about how he's probably going to hell for writing stuff like City Beneath the Surface and how he might have to explain that to JC when he's standing in judgement at the end.

They did a lot of my favorites but I was secretly hoping they might sneak in Devastation because I wanted to sing along during certain parts like: Prepare yourself to die/THIS WORLD'S INSANE, etc. If they add another HoTMK track, I hope it's that one!
The show was incredible.
I was running on about two hours of sleep yesterday, but it was well worth it to see them in such an intimate environment.

It was so weird seeing them go from the big stage at Center Stage Atlanta to a small, crappy sports bar stage. I felt bad for Manticora, as there was NO ONE standing up front. Everyone was seated and/or standing towards the back / at the bar for their set.
A lot of people got up and stood by the stage for CIIC and JOP though.
I was thinking there were maybe 200 people there, but it seems Skyrefuge estimated only 100-120, which may be more accurate.
I was never good at guessing how many jelly beans were in the cookie jar. ;)
But anyway....that kind of sucks for the bands, but I didn't mind, as I found a spot in the front row rather easily.

The sound was decent, although I made the mistake of standing directly in front of the bass player's speaker, so all I got was a bunch of bass and very little of LaPorte's chilling recreation of Criss's guitar style.
Jon proceeded to be handed three shots throughout the set, but I didn't see it really affecting the set too least not until the end. Ha Ha!
The setlist was great as you can see from Skyrefuge's post...very similar to the PP setlist, with a few more added.....including CHANCE!!!!
I can now die a happy girl.
My other favorites were Believe (love this song), Warriors, Sirens, HOTMK, Gutter Ballet and Edge of Thorns, in which Mike (new guitar player for Sacred Dawn) was invited to be the guest guitarist, so that was cool.

CIIC was just as great if not better than their Wednesday show last week in Atlanta.
It was cool to hang out with Zak and Bill and meet the rest of the band members. Being a smaller venue, it was a lot easier to have a conversation.

It sucks that they chose to play Chicago on a "school night", considering I was up at 5am the next morning. But it was totally worth the sleep deprivation.

I wish I could go up to WI for the show tonight, but unfortunately it's just not in the cards.
Man, I really wanted to go to this show especially after not going to ProgPower this year either. When I thought we may have figured out a way to juggle the kids around so that I could leave for the show before my wife would have otherwise been home, I took one more look at Mapquest, saw how far 1712 Wise Rd really is from Valpo, and said screw it. I wouldn't have been leaving until after 6pm, so I may have missed some early stuff. And since the show looked likely to go to at least midnight, it would have been a hell of a hard drive back home. I guess I'm getting too old for this. I've really turned into a weenie when it comes to hours and effort.

So now I'm hoping to hit Amorphis on Monday, since the Pearl Room is an hour closer to me, and the show starts two hours earlier, too (although with more bands on the bill :bah: ).

Glad you all had fun, and the show was good for you!

Boy was that JOP show a crapshoot for me. I went all the way from Skokie and ended up getting to the venue at 7:30PM. I had on;y $18 left after bringing $25 with me. I had to stop on the way because I had a hypoglycemic episode and had to eat, which brought me down to $18. I usually have something with me but anyone that is diabetic knows these things happen. Well, the venue didn't give a shit and it was $20 or nothing. What a joke! I was so pissed off that I told them I hoped the band didn't show up. I think I'll forego concerts for a while. That was a real tramatic experience.
Dude....not cool.
I'm sorry you had such an experience. I have friends that are diabetic and have experienced their episodes, but how could you say something like 'wishing the band didn't show up' just because you didn't come prepared? You can't expect to get in for free, so I'm sorry but it was your own fault.
Its called frustration. If you went through what I had and on top of it you couldn't see a show you were hoping to go to for 5 months just because you were $2 short you would do probably the same thing. I do not see many shows. I also said that to the person at the door, not within earshot of anyone else. I would never think to get in for nothing. I had $18 that I tried to hand the guy but he wouldn't take it.
I would've done the same thing?
No, no I wouldn't have.
If I was planning for 5 months to go to a show, I would have checked to make sure how much it was to get in before I left and not tried to bargain my way in.
All I'm saying is that was a dickhead thing to say....basically because you couldn't get into the show, you hoped the band didn't show up....screwing over not only the venue, but also the people that did go...some of which even took the day off work to be there.
So thanks. That was nice of you.
I would've done the same thing?
No, no I wouldn't have.
If I was planning for 5 months to go to a show, I would have checked to make sure how much it was to get in before I left and not tried to bargain my way in.
All I'm saying is that was a dickhead thing to say....basically because you couldn't get into the show, you hoped the band didn't show up....screwing over not only the venue, but also the people that did go...some of which even took the day off work to be there.
So thanks. That was nice of you.

Arrrrggghhhh! Did I somehow stutter or not explain this twice? OK, here we go for the third and final time. First and foremost I am not justifying what I said. Looking back I should have kept my mouth shut but I said what I said and I'm just telling you what was going on in my head at the time. I knew that it was $20 and thats how much I brought. I thought maybe they would understand that after having to spend $7 on food that I wasn't expecting at all. I'm sorry if I pffended you Metalspice. I'm glad that they showed and I meant no harm. All I am doing is telling the story.
Its called frustration. If you went through what I had and on top of it you couldn't see a show you were hoping to go to for 5 months just because you were $2 short you would do probably the same thing. I do not see many shows. I also said that to the person at the door, not within earshot of anyone else. I would never think to get in for nothing. I had $18 that I tried to hand the guy but he wouldn't take it.

Dude you'd think somebody outside would have been kind enough to lend you 2 bux...perhaps you didn't ask around but if you did what is our little (okay it's not so little anymore) community coming to.