JOP... 9/30 in Schaumburg



And how did you get a picture of my cat?
Aw man, my thread spiraled into a mini flame war. :erk:
Gotta luv the internet... :lol:

Must be my own bad karma coming back at me. Somewhere in the past I must have derailed someone else's thread and this is my payback - a lesson learned.

I can't stress enough, people, how it call comes back at you at one point or another.

Anyway, you may now continue with the regularly scheduled programming. :heh:
Aw man, my thread spiraled into a mini flame war. :erk:
Gotta luv the internet... :lol:

Must be my own bad karma coming back at me. Somewhere in the past I must have derailed someone else's thread and this is my payback - a lesson learned.

I can't stress enough, people, how it call comes back at you at one point or another.

Anyway, you may now continue with the regularly scheduled programming. :heh:

Not your fault in any way.
After further review I've decide not to post the pics from this show. Only a few were taken and they were not good. The quality of the two video clips is not much better but they do rock and they do capture the excitement of the small but enthusiastic crowd. The first one is Part I of Chance.

(MPEG, 99 MB)

Please excuse the ghetto quality of the clip, especially the audio distortion. A middle of the floor vantage point would have been better but then the visual view would have been more obscured.

Part II of the Chance clip, which hasn't been posted yet but may surface at a later date, resumes at "Pictures at an exhibition..." and continues on to the end followed by some in-between songs Oliva banter, and then into Somewhere in Time before it cuts off. I'm still debating whether to post it or not. If I do I may or may not post about here so if you're interested, just check the new Music videos page from time to time because that is where it will go if posted.