JOP - ST. PETE - 9/17/2010


Savatage Fanatic
Sep 13, 2004
Houston, Texas, USA, Earth
He played the State Theater - I saw Savatage on the WOM tour there. I'm guessing 400-500 people were there. He played several off "Festival" (the other ones I can remeber were "Lies", "Festival, "Now"). "Ride the Black Horse" was about as dark and heavy a song as I EVER heard something played by Jon onstage - This was Dr. Butcher with an attitude!! He played at least one song off the other 3 JOP CDs. The Savatage songs I remember were:

Ghost in the Ruins (extended guitar solos - the new guitar player opposite Matt is BAD ASS!!!!)
Agony and Ecstacy
Tonight He Grins Again
When the Cowds are Gone

Jon had GREAT energy and was mildly annoyed with every mike stand he used!! They seemed to be fighing him!! I am still amazed at his age, he still has his power and range. For any one there, it was me that caught the ring he threw into the crowd after braining himself with it!!!!

Chris :rock:
Awesome, glad it was a good show. I was too burnt out to make the drive down to Tampa. Nice to see he played Warriors again, love that song.
Go Cowboys!
Probably the only reason I'd want to live in Florida is all of the Oliva shows. However, I do wish he'd expand his songs instead of playing the same ones over and over again. I guess I'm just tired of 'Sirens' (that does not apply to 'When The Crowds Are Gone'. He could play that for me three times a day for a month and I don't think I'd get tired of it).

Steve in Philly
Chris, I'm glad the show was a success. Death Rides A Blackhorse is my favorite from the new disc, so it's cool to hear he's doing it live! With that said, much like Steve in Philly, I wish that Jon would dig in his catalog a little more to pull out some other classics. I wish the man would start playing Morphine Child live! :hotjump:
