JORN brought the angels down @ Progpower

In another thread on this forum, fans were actually wanting Jorn to do some covers of some sort...even trying to guess what he would do. Having been in the band Company of Snakes which featured original members of Whitesnake, it was natural for him to choose those covers to perform. And it seems most were well pleased with the performance he gave. After all, he is at the very least in the top 5 of vocalists in the biz right now. Too friggin' bad I missed it...grrrrr. But, being in Russia is kinda cool.
pm4ever said:
Never said Whitesnake was lame. I've seen them. What I said was Jorn doing Whitesnake was lame, and that it wasn't what I personally (or the people I was with) would want to see at a ProgPower metal show. I can see that once a week at a local 80s metal tribute if I want to. I did see a lot of people enjoying it though, so hey, glad they had a good time.

This was not a bust on Jorn as a singer. As I mentioned, I love Masterplan, some Ark. Great voice. I think I understand his career pretty well. I also wasn't busting on the finale either. Actually have the Hearing Aid album sitting here in my collection. I actually enjoyed it, even though the problems.

What's fucked up is you can't allow someone their opinion.
For the record, Prog Power isn't a metal's PROGRESSIVE. Get it? Prog Power.....

@ RiffDaemon...It's not about what YOU want to hear-it's not YOUR festival.
Man, this board has gotten EXTREMELY elitist in the past couple months. Let this guy express his opinion. He paid for a f*ckin' ticket! He is allowed to speak his mind.

Secondly, what is up with people now saying, "I am glad NEVERMORE bowed out" PEople were creamin' their pants when NM was announced. Now you are all JORN fanboys because he took their place? That's awesome to hear JORN put on a good gig that most here enjoyed. But so now what? It is Prog Power bands over EVERY other band in the universe?

I thought some of you were joking before when you would say things like, "This is "our" festival, for "our" music"! I guess some of you weren't....
steelreign said:
Haha... that's just fucked up. You are obviously either;

a) a newbie
b) clueless or,
d) a clueless newbie.

You should have your right to opinions revoked for having one that is so decidedly wrong. Whitesnake lame? No offense, but you have a lot to learn about music, bro.

Because god forbid anyone have a different set of tastes than you do. See, here at the Progpower forum, we have whats called respect for other posters. Please keep that in mind.
Jasonic said:
Man, this board has gotten EXTREMELY elitist in the past couple months. Let this guy express his opinion. He paid for a f*ckin' ticket! He is allowed to speak his mind.

Secondly, what is up with people now saying, "I am glad NEVERMORE bowed out" PEople were creamin' their pants when NM was announced. Now you are all JORN fanboys because he took their place? That's awesome to hear JORN put on a good gig that most here enjoyed. But so now what? It is Prog Power bands over EVERY other band in the universe?

I thought some of you were joking before when you would say things like, "This is "our" festival, for "our" music"! I guess some of you weren't....

This post makes me laugh for some reason. And yes, the week after Progpower it IS Progpower bands over EVERY other band in the universe.
Let me try to help the newbie out some. Jorn has a COVERS cd coming out soon. According to the interview with Jorn, GLenn asked him to do a certain cover song or medley. I will assume Glenn wanted the Whitesnake stuff. I have no problem with it at all. I do wish Still of the Night would have been one of the songs. Also, Jorn used to be in a band called The Snakes with ex-members of Whitesnake. So i think Jorn has rights to sing Whitesnake songs if he wants too.
The point is, nailz, not about people's opinion, but about the way it's presented. To get mad because they didn't get to hear the songs THEY wanted to here is plain old whining. For shit's sake- the bands can't play everything that everyone wants to hear- it's only so long. And it's not nice to slam other bands just because you weren't happy with them. People need to show some respect and quit being so selfish. I'm not a huge Epica fan, or even a small one at that, but I'm not going to sit here and say how horrible they are.
Now, can we all make nice?
I thought Jorn was fantastic! From the very first time I heard his voice, I've wanted to hear him do some Whitesnake! His voice sounds so much like Coverdale's at times. To actually see him do this live was amazing!

As for the guy who claims to be a Whitesnake fan and still didn't like it, he's entitled to his opinion but I can't see how that's possible because Jorn was spot on.

And while I can agree that there was nothing "Progressive" about his set, to say that there was nothing "power metal" about it seems ridiculous too ... were we listening to the same guitarists? All power metal does not have to sound like Helloween. Jorn's particular brand just mixes in a bit more classic hard rock influances. If you don't like it, fine. But there's no reason to be an ass about it.

For example, I'm not a Mercenary fan. I've never felt the need to go post on a thread where fans are talking about how much they enjoyed Mercenary's performance and complain to everyone about how I don't like growly vocals. My opinion? Sure. Am I entitled to it? Of course. But in some cases, it's best to just keep your opinion to yourself.
I'm an "old school" guy (I prefer that than just being an old guy), so I definitely appreciated the trip down memory lane, especially the Thin Lizzy tunes even more so than the Whitesnake stuff. But, I can definitely see how most of the newer ProgPower fans wouldn't be into it. But, those old bands set the stage for where we are now...Jorn certainly likes to pay his respects to them, and we should too.

He's definitely one of the strongest voices in rock. I liked the way he kinda prowled the stage, great presence. His band was top notch, but I hate drum/guitar solos....more group songs would've been better.
steelreign said:
The thing that no one seemed to notice is that pm4ever used his FIRST FUCKING POST ever on this forum to come on here and slam Jorn's set... everyone's fine with that? ... :erk:

Yes. It's ok. He wasn't being a prick about it and was simply stating his opinion. I'm a big Jorn fan and I wasn't crazy about the set list, either. Was there enough to keep me entertained? Absolutely. Were there too many solos that were not inspring to me in any way? Yes. Was Jorn's voice too far back in the mix for my tastes? Yes. Will I buy pretty much whatever Jorn puts out? Yes. I couldn't help feeling a little underwhelmed during the set. Want to flame me, too? :u-huh:

i'd have to agree that Jorn was spot on, vocally.

As for his stage presence, I wasn't feeling it. No offense, but wearing shades through most of the set (I left right after Straight Through the Heart, for reasons that are just too complicated) did not impress me. Look me in the eye and say "we brought the angels down". It would be much more believable. But whatever, still enjoyable, he sounded damn amazing.