Jorn Lande new album.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
This is good news last year we had Masterplan and the Allen/Lande album, and this year Jorn is putting out another solo album :hotjump:

JORN LANDE will edit his fourth solo album "The Duke" through AFM Records. The CD produced by Jorn and Jörn Viggo Lofstad was mixed at Jailhouse Studios (Denmark) by Tommy Hansen. This time the players are:

Jorn Lande (vocals)
Jörn Viggo Lofstad (PAGAN'S MIND) - Guitars
Tore Moren (CARNIVORA) - Guitars
Morty Black (TNT) - Bass
Willy Bendiksen (COMPANY OF SNAKES) - Drums

Stian Kristoffersen (drums) from PAGAN'S MIND and FIREWIND also play in three cuts, a new version of 'Starfire' (from Jorn solo debut) in 'Stormcrow' and 'After the Dying'.

"The Duke" includes a version of Thin Lizzy 'Are You Ready', and the Japanese edition will have a bonus track 'Noose'.

NP: Ring Of Fire - Don't Know (what you're talking about)
new fan of Jorne.....I will buy this the day it's released. His last two solo albums are phenomenal. Hard to believe music of this high caliber goes so unnoticed (mostly).

Along with Glenn Hughes, Jorn should be much more popular than he currently is based on the awesome voice and the great songwriting. :rock:
J-Dubya 777 said:
The demo from his new cd sounds a bit more laid back, but I still really like his "Coverdale on steroids" voice....


So where do we find this demo??? :err:
junnie from the east said:
hahaha, ace! :D

i love stain's drumming, can't wait to get the japanese version :)

Not fair!, it's local for you :p
kittybeast said:

From PP forum? I wonder if Jorn will play at it
Orklord said:
With what could this be compared? I'm not familiar with this artist.

Basically you could say that he is the next coming of David Coverdale from Whitesnake, with a few hints of Dio thrown in there. He has a fantastic voice. He has three solo albums before this new one, and they are all steeped in 70's Hard Rock, with a few diversive moments here and there. And besides his solo albums, he has been all around with all sorts of bands such as Ark, Mundanus Imperium, The Snakes, Millenium, and currently Masterplan.

He has a great Melodic voice with a lot of expression, so vocally you can't go wrong.

If you can say what types of HR/Metal you like, then maybe I could steer you towards a style you might like.
Jorn rules. It's a shame ARK split up. One of the most interesting bands i've heard in the last decade. Masterplan are good too. I have Out to Every Nation and it's really good but i have to say his lyrics aren't very good.
Today Jorn IMO it's among the best vocalist you can have. If you look for some good melodies, great vocals, nice harmonies for a well build rock/metal then Jorn solo albums and the projects he was involved with (and already mentioned) are the kind of stuff you should look for.

NP: Nightwish - 'A Return To The Sea'