Jorn-Out to Every Nation


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Jorn-Out to Every Nation
AFM Records-AFM 4075-October 26,2004
By Josh Phillips


Out to Every Nation is the third “solo” album from Jorn Lande, known for his work as vocalist in Masterplan and formerly in Ark. Lining up alongside him on this release are Jørn Viggo Lofstad (guitar), Magnus Rosèn (bass) and Stian Kristoffersen (drums). Magnus is also the bassist in Hammerfall, while the other two play in Pagan’s Mind. Jorn plays a blend of (classic) rock and metal built on his powerful vocals and the mighty guitar wizardry of Jørn Viggo Lofstad.

Beginning with “Young Forever”, Out to Every Nation starts out on a rather metal note with a solid riff that carries us into our first taste of Jorn Lande’s vocal stylings which are strong and unique without straying into the land of high-pitched cheese. Just short of three minutes in, the first of many solos to come arrives so strap yourself in and prepare for it, there will be plenty more of that before this album comes to a close. “Out to Every Nation” is a much more classic rock styled song with a great intro and it is also somewhat of a ballad. Following in the same vein is “Something Real”, a soulful track and one of the albums’ best that leads into “Living with Wolves” which displays a chorus that should get anyone’s fist pumping. That particular track is a very good example of what this album is all about as well. This is generally chorus-based music where everything comes together at that moment and the rest of the song is a build up until it hits. “Vision Eyes” is another solid track and I think without a doubt contains Jorn’s best vocal performance. “One Day we will put out the Sun” is another excellent example of this album’s formula and is a catchy mid-paced song that showcases another great lead. “Rock Spirit” is perhaps the album’s best track and automatically makes me think Bad Company (Shooting Star), mainly because of the lyrics. Closer, “When Angels were White” has some nice underlying bass lines and is a somber wrap up to this release.

Out to Every Nation was actually quite a pleasant surprise for me with the classic rock/metal overtones instead of what I expected would be super power metal. If your ever in a happy mood where you just want to rock out, there are some songs built for that, while it’s also a great album for when you’ve got a lot on your mind and want something easy on the ears to relax to. Jorn has a solid voice, and though I haven’t heard him sing in the past, I’d have a hard time believing he let down any previous fans with his vocals on this album. There are a lot of excellent catchy melodies and choruses and some great guitar playing as well. I may have to look into Pagan’s Mind just to see what Jørn Viggo Lofstad has to offer in that band. The songs are pretty well put together, but I was worried that this album would get tiresome after repeated listens because of the record’s basic formula, but I think I’ve enjoyed it more with each listen.

This release certainly fits into a style of music I have to be in a distinct mood for and I don’t see myself listening to it extremely regularly, but it really delivers when the time comes, and who knows, maybe I’ll throw it into the mix with .38 Special and some of those bands when I just want some solid music that I don’t have to think too much about. Very catchy, enjoyable rock n’ metal and a surprising release that came out of nowhere to fight itself into my collection and exceed my expectations. While it may not be the greatest thing ever and I don’t think I’ll need a whole lot of releases like this in my collection, it fills that niche for something catchy to throw on in between listens to Insision and Deathspell Omega. Good stuff, recommended.


Official Jorn Website
Official AFM Records Website
This is an awesome album! A perfect updating of classic rock to a modern metal format, with HEAVY guitars and unpredictable songwriting. Standing above all is Jorn amazing vocalist in the classic tradition, he knows to phrase things perfectly!

A great record if you can accept stuff that isn't bone-breaking thrash now and then... :worship: