Josh and Zac leave Paramore

WTF is Paramore ???
Is the band very popular in America ?
Link some youtube videos of their best shit, so i can hear why you are so deeply moved by the news.
Edit: A perfect example of what you're talking about is a band called Verse Emerge, they have an AMAZING frontgirl but she really doesnt make up for the lack of awesome instrument writing and is exactly why I dont listen to them. I just hope Paramore doesnt fall into this category as well.

You don't like the music? lol. I'm curious as to why. I know blake and I'm in Devin's (bassist) side project. I have always looked up to blake and his writing and always thought it was amazing.
You don't like the music? lol. I'm curious as to why. I know blake and I'm in Devin's (bassist) side project. I have always looked up to blake and his writing and always thought it was amazing.

Honestly, the full length was one of the biggest musical letdowns I've had in a long time. It was just... nowhere near as good as the the S/T EP.
I sadly felt the exact same way, but everyone was telling me I was wrong. So... I just assumed I didn't listen to it "good enough" and put it in the back of my mind. I'm glad to see that my initial thoughts were justified.
I'm listening to it again, had to skip the first two tracks about halfway through because they were just boring as hell, not even the choruses were memorable. Title track is solid, 4th track starts out like a James Bond theme but is pretty solid overall; nice vocal showcasing on this one. Track 5 is kind of 'fun' but pretty bland for the most part. Track 6 is great, track 7 is cool but the male vocals are super tuned and aren't really fitting with the rest of the songs IMO. Track 8 is cool, like Opeth meets Muse or something fucked up. In the middle of track 9 right now...

They just really seem to be riding Paramores wake and pushing the "angsty-female-fronted pop rock" thing, rather than writing good songs and getting popular because people like the music more than tits.
I guess I'm alone on really loving the VersaEmerge full length in it's entirety.
Have been listening to "Redesign Me" about 5-10 times a day lately.
I can agree the inclusion of (Blakes?) vocals was perhaps not the best choice and if I had to pick the weakest track off the album, it's number 7, but it's still good enough that I wont skip it.
Will I imagine that perhaps it's the track that might divide many people, I love the droning, textural, fairly minimalistic and spacey outro of the last track. A lot of people said that bit caught them by surprise.
I don't expect anyone's going to agree with me, but yeah, as I said on the previous page, I vastly prefer it to any of Paramore's albums.
Production wise, it definitely sounds a bit thin and not as good sounding as Riot! and Brand New Eyes.

As for the self titled EP, I have listened to "Moments Between Sleep" an embarrassing number of times since I first heard it October last year.
Hell, IIRC it was all I listened to for 2 days straight when I first got it, literally no other bands.
not sure if you've seen it or not. Zac's been in a new band called Tunnel since July.

not sure what to make of it
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Alt Press:

"Just days after Paramore announced the departure of two of its founding members, drummer Zac Farro and guitarist Josh Farro, it seems Zac is already moving on to a new band.
Alt Press came across a new track called “Hide Your Eyes” by Farro and his pal Jason Clark. Together, the duo will be known as Tunnel.
“Hide Your Eyes” is much different sonically from anything Paramore had ever done. Spacey, haunting, and mellow, the track is already gaining Tunnel a few comparisons to Paper Route."