Josh and Zac leave Paramore

That tunnel song was actually a lot cooler than I thought it would be. Shame they left, but I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to stay in a situation as described by that blog post.
Hayley has boring tits. And Paramore is equally if not more boring...

But, my name is metalfanat1c... of course I wouldn't like this shit. :lol:
oh ffs, like any of you wouldn't have a boner for a week if a naked haley even held your hand for five seconds. she was laying down, she's not gonna have plastic rocket tits. iiiiiii think they're perfect for her.

p.s rofl @ fingerblast her fartbox
this is what i got from that retarded little blog

"me and my bro are pussies, we aren't as famous as hayley. in fact, nobody gives two shits about us. so we're going to act like we are 12 years old and quit the band. oh yeah and we are religious weirdos too. kbye!!"
[UEAK]Clowd;9569873 said:
this is what i got from that retarded little blog

"me and my bro are pussies, we aren't as famous as hayley. in fact, nobody gives two shits about us. so we're going to act like we are 12 years old and quit the band. oh yeah and we are religious weirdos too. kbye!!"

Are you illiterate? It's more like "we were used and it started a band dynamic that's unfair. We no longer agree with the message the band is sending and don't find it enjoyable to play with Hayley anymore."
imho there are still lingering issues due to Josh and Hayley relationship. I just hope Paramore doesn't fade away like Evanescence did after that guitarist/composer dude left the band.
I'm not personally into this band on a "cup of tea" level, although I definitely think they've put out some well crafted and well produced music. Total respect as far as that goes... but this is interesting as an insight into the industry, management, and how families/parents get involved in some of this as well.

I've seen a lot of similar situations, and it's always depressing when the label/management/family stakeholders push the band apart by creating an intrinsic barrier between the lead singer and the rest of the band. The irony is that this barrier is created in the interest of making the business more stable and modular, and less dependent on the individuals involved, but what they fail to recognize is that most music fans become fans of the entire band, not just the singer. Only the most casual listeners fail to notice lineup changes - so this is incredibly stupid on a business level as well. Anger your core base of vocal fans and eventually even the casual, less observant fans will hear the news, especially with a band that has had this level of success.

Religious views and personal issues aside, the way this band began its record contract was incredibly messy and was a setup for this split to happen eventually.
it was fairly obvious the band took the back seat in brand new eyes. and i had a feeling that wasnt something that went down well
oh ffs, like any of you wouldn't have a boner for a week if a naked haley even held your hand for five seconds. she was laying down, she's not gonna have plastic rocket tits. iiiiiii think they're perfect for her.

I'm 27, not 17. Fucking tits, curves and a nice ass is what it's all about. Haley has non of the above. Completely un-attractive, I guess I will throw you her face is ok but that's all your getting.
I'm finding it quite hard to be sympathetic to guys who are so delusionally religious. Sure they've had a hard time of it or whatever - but they wouldn't be the first band that the industry put through the wringer. At the end of the day they still got to tour the world and be part of an act that charted really well and sold millions of records. Teenage shitheads are going to focus on the perky redhead fronting the band - that's just reality. No doubt a solo career will be on the cards for her not long after this. Same thing happened with Evanescence, No Doubt & even Nightwish, amongst countless others I'm sure.

If you're going to take part in and facilitate a system as exploitative as the current record industry model, then you've got no right to complain about it when you get fed up and want to cut your losses IMO. You either speak up from day 1, or shut the hell up and keep taking it in the ass for that paycheck.
I'm finding it quite hard to be sympathetic to guys who are so delusionally religious. Sure they've had a hard time of it or whatever - but they wouldn't be the first band that the industry put through the wringer. At the end of the day they still got to tour the world and be part of an act that charted really well and sold millions of records. Teenage shitheads are going to focus on the perky redhead fronting the band - that's just reality. No doubt a solo career will be on the cards for her not long after this. Same thing happened with Evanescence, No Doubt & even Nightwish, amongst countless others I'm sure.

If you're going to take part in and facilitate a system as exploitative as the current record industry model, then you've got no right to complain about it when you get fed up and want to cut your losses IMO. You either speak up from day 1, or shut the hell up and keep taking it in the ass for that paycheck.

You've got a great point, but you've definitely gotta consider the ages of the band members at the time.
I sure as hell know when I was in my mid teens, I had WAY less perspective than I have today and the general understanding of a lot of things just isn't really totally developed at that age.
When I was that age, I was like any other kid who played an instrument that would have done anything to be in a world touring rock and/or metal band. If was told I had to lick testicles to get it, I would have done it, because at the time I just wouldn't have understood what I would be getting into.
I wouldn't anymore, but that's because I've learnt and come to understand things more better and matured as a person.
When you're that young, you wouldn't care if you if the touring conditions and all the other legal business was shitty, all you want is to just be out on the road.
So I can definitely have some degree of sympathy for them.
However, I'd totally agree that if you're at this age, where you do (or at least, should) have an understanding of the nature of things, a better understanding of the world around you and you don't do your research and just jump straight in, well then tough luck, you fucked up.

Also the aspect of just like any relationship, there's always the pros and cons and the compromises, but you stick to doing it because you enjoy the majority of the aspects of it.
Even if it's just 51 per cent, it's a majority. The balance obviously tipped towards the cons outweighing the pros to a big degree for the Farro brothers and that's the point where you ask yourself "What's the point?".
They probably have to go and get day jobs now (I don't imagine earned much more than the average mid middle class American because of how much the label was taking), but they get more time to spend with the family now (and wife, for the older of the two brothers) and of course, for some people the older you get, the more there's that feeling of just wanting to live comfortably, spend less time on the road and enjoy life with the family and friends.
Ermz said:
I'm finding it quite hard to be sympathetic to guys who are so delusionally religious.

Agreed. I find the whole "she contradicts the bible" thing hugely retarded, does this guy actually start pulling bible quotes whenever he's speaking to someone? And if a lyric she wrote COULD MAYBE KINDOF be misinterpreted to contradict the bible you feel you're betrayin' Jeezuz? What a moron. I love their playing and Josh's songwriting is topnotch, but I can't stand Jesus freaks, I wouldn't wanna be his friend