Hmm... It seems that I gotta give this song a few more listenings. I usually skip Itch and Journey through pressure when I listen to TGC.
Hmm... It seems that I gotta give this song a few more listenings. I usually skip Itch and Journey through pressure when I listen to TGC.
Yes, it's all about a nasty bathroom problem.
every time i listen to this song, i like it better. of the BEST fucking albums in existance. I mean it!!! This is hands down the BEST damn Katatonia album, period. There's just no way any other band can top this level of magnificence this year.
This cd grew on me HUGELY. I have always loved BMD but could never get into to the sound after that. I bought this on a whim at FYE and liked it at first, but having listened to the album countless times after I fell in love with it. It always finds a way back into my cd player. Speaking of which, is TGCD much different from Discouraged Ones and on? I have listened to alot of samples on cdnow contemplating to buy the cds but it didn't really appeal to me.. I absolutely love the latest cd though, which is a similar style right? What is a good record in that era I should start with?
Get Jhva Elohim Meth first. Be a man!
I love Dance of December Souls so I would probably like that.
I have been listening to a little of Viva lately, did they have a new drummer on TGCD? The drums on that album were so different. And fucking awesome.
Nope.. VE and TGCD drummer is the same mo-fokker that would be Mr. Daniel Liljekvist