lol Jrock, just lol, period.
One of my friends from way back when was an anime/Jcock fan. She let me borrow her Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Princess Monoke, etc. DVDs, and in exchange I downloaded a good number of Jrock albums and music vids for her, cuz her connection sucked and youtube wasn't around back then. She really liked Malice Mizer and Dir en Grey, and the vids I downloaded by them featured persons of ambigious gender, dressed as some freaky blend of the extremes of hair metal, goth, and anime. BDSM featured prominently in 3/4 of the vids.
About a year ago, that same dear friend subjected me to a 30 min long song of power prog metal by X-Japan, who were probably a precursor to Symphony X. I was somewhat relieved to learn that the one of the members managed to hang him/herself on a doorknob. On a positive note, I guess X-Japan deserves recieving credit for having bigger balls than Dream Theater - about a quarter of that 30 min was a dissonant as fuck piano solo.
In conclusion, Jrock = scary stuff.