waz416c said:

These are the pics I took with the guys...i know Im lame....I only klnow one metal pose....hahaha.......bnut the gusy are so fekcin amazing and cool man...they hung out...cahtted with us..adn even signed my Opeth Lamenations DVD...it was hella fun......I was in awe the whoel time....MY GOD....the best show ever...setlest was ....Drapery Falls, Deliverance, Grand Conjrugation adn DEMON IOF THE FEKCIN FALL....but I dont catre...they palyed masterfully...adn Mike's Vox were jsut amaizng......so feckin fresh sound that guy has......made the crowd go ape shit on all teh songs.....and man...jsut super fun man...!!!!.......im so pumped up.....WOWl.amazing show.........TAHNKYOU OPETH.,,,I DIG THE BADN....MAkei said tha tLopez is restin in Swededn though when they come back for the headlinin tour thy'll hame him too.....and SYL 's drummer ckiked max ass....u couldnt tell the diff.....hes so fekcin solid...i cannto belvie it.....great show guys....cannto wait to see u again fellas....tahnx for the best tiem........PEAC EOUT
..so ..many ..dots.
Where's Pac-Man when you need him?
everyone sure Thyve seen the pics....??....coz I sure as hell coudl use mroe jealousy.....ahhahahaha......just kiddin....!!!.......im still glowin ,.,hahaha.......evertone I show the pics too is so in awe.....hahaha.......its aewose........PEAC EOUT
The Hubster said:
Wazza, whats with the dots?

Methinks you've had too much Pseudoephedrine :)

PS - good to see youre getting into Ayreon there!

that guys ia musical genoius...htough not aq lyrical one...his yrics are kindda disapointing...htough musi cwise..WOW....i haev the CD...human eq..,,,and it fekcin kicks so much ass ...!!!...i play it at work,home, car...adn fekcin love it...adn the DVD is so hilarious...hahahah....Mikael says "EVIL"...after doin these relaly soft vox....hahaha......PEAC EOUT